Jalapeno and Cheddar Pierogi
My husband Faizal mentioned Costco used to sell frozen pierogi – specifically jalapeno cheddar pierogi – which he recalled being quite yummy. Took us a while to finally identify the brand, @peterandpatspierogies. They don’t seem to be sold anywhere in the States nowadays, so the next best thing was to try and make it myself.…
Chicken Curry Pau
As we all know, bao or baozi are steamed buns originating from China. Perhaps through cultural transfer and assimilation over centuries via trade and migration, in Malaysia we have a local variant of steamed buns, called pau. Malaysian pau are quite distinctly local, with either sweet or savory fillings such as coconut jam, red…
Three-flavored Barramundi
As I’ve mentioned before, I am a fan of a la Thai Malay cooking. However, I never imagined I would able to make all these wonderful dishes myself, until I discovered Che Nom’s YouTube channel. Today, so many of Che Nom’s recipes feature regularly on my daily menu, one of them being this tri-flavored…
Chicken Congee: One-pot Recipe
Kak’mbang used to make the best Chinese-style chicken congee. Typically, congee is simply plain rice porridge which we pile on with various toppings, but her version was a very flavorful one-pot meal full of meat and veggies. Mummy used to have this every day for breakfast, and Kak’mbang provided an endless supply of it.…
Thai-style Steamed Fish
When going out for dinner with family and friends, steamed fish is a typical dish we’d order at Chinese Muslim or a la Thai Malay restaurants. The problem is, fish and seafood prices keep going up, and a plate of steamed fish like sea bass can easily set you back MYR75 a pop. Ouch.…
Barley Milk Using a Pressure Cooker
My mom only has one functioning kidney right now, and even that kidney has greatly reduced functionality. While I am grateful that she is still eating well and has been generally healthy for her age, I also needed to make sure her diet is kind to her precious remaining kidney. Barley milk does wonders…
Pizzaman (Japanese Steamed Pizza Buns): Halal Version
I’ve always loved Japan and so many things about it, the language, the culture, and of course their food. Japanese konbini or convenience store food is practically a whole unique segment of Japanese cuisine, and one of their most fascinating food items is pizzaman (a contraction of the words ‘pizza’ and ‘manju’), literally a…
Air-fryer Donat Susu
As always, during the month of Ramadan, the uber-famous Malaysian cooking content creator Khairul Aming (@khairulaming) shared a video of him making Donat Susu, which apparently went viral for some time. Honestly I didn’t even know this was a thing until I saw his post, nonetheless the idea of using sweetened condensed milk in…
Roti Paung Terengganu
When I was younger, afternoon tea was pretty much a daily routine. Mummy would drive out (practically every place in Kuala Terengganu was only a 5 minutes’ drive away) and buy cakes or snacks for our afternoon tea, such as banana fritters, traditional Malay kuih, and occasionally, freshly baked roti paung. A favorite place for us to buy…
Chocolate Swirl Bread
When I was a kid, there was a local bakery which sold a two-colored white and chocolate bread loaf, a ‘chocolate swirl bread’, so to speak. We called it ‘roti kahwin’ (literally translates to ‘married bread’) at home, for some reason. This was a misnomer, as roti kahwin usually refers to two pieces of…