Where cool cats linger

I’m just a cat-loving Malaysian who loves to eat, cook, and bake. I also modify recipes from various cuisines into Halal, Muslim-friendly versions, and share them here so you don’t have to figure it out all by yourself.

My Recipes

My experiments with cuisines from all over the world, using Halal ingredients.

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Treats from my home state of Terengganu, Malaysia, as well as a few family recipes.

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My best recipes, guaranteed to be crowd pleasers and a hit at potlucks and dinner parties.

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My endless pursuit of the yummiest bread and dough recipes, either baked, fried, steamed and more.

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Copycat recipes you can make at home, to satisfy your curiosity or cravings.

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My collection of recipes by gadget, from air fryers to pressure cookers and other handy kitchen appliances. Anything to help speed up our prep work!

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Having a Party?

I used to organize dinner parties with my friends, dubbed The Dinner Club. I’d propose a menu along with the estimated cost, and we’d set a date. I’d do all the cooking, and my friends chip in for groceries. Here are the menus for my past Dinner Club sessions, in case you need some inspo.

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To Make, or To Buy?

Sometimes I’m just lazy to run to the store to get something. Sometimes certain ingredients cost a bomb, or simply aren’t available to buy. Take a look at spice mixes and other ingredients I’ve made myself, for use in recipes in this site.

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My husband Faizal mentioned Costco used to sell frozen pierogi ā€“ specifically jalapeno cheddar pierogi ā€“ which he recalled being quite yummy. Took us a while to finally identify the brand, @peterandpatspierogies. They donā€™t seem to be sold anywhere in the States nowadays, so the next best thing was to try and make it myself. I looked at the ingredients ā€“ aside from cheddar and jalapeno, it also contained onions. I then scoured the internet for various pierogi recipes, and cobbled together something of my own.

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It was mid-week, and we were running low on groceries in the fridge. Our grocery run wasnā€™t until a few more days, but I still needed to figure out the dayā€™s lunch prep. Rummaging through my freezer dan veggie drawers, I found a small pack of beef sausages, carrots, and a couple of tomatoes that were starting to look a bit sad. The green onions we planted outside were also growing well and could use some harvesting. It so happened that a recent episode of Young Sheldon we saw mentioned Sheldonā€™s favorite spaghetti with hot dogs. Seeing that we also had a pack of spaghetti in the pantry, I decided to make it for lunch.

I chose Che Nomā€™s recipe as a starting point, then modified it to suit my preferences and with ingredients I had on hand. The result was a really homey, simple yet delicious comfort food, which Iā€™m sure will be a hit among kids (AND their parents). With Ramadan coming, this one-pot meal would also be a great option for suhoor and iftar potlucks. Do give it a try!

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I usually prep food for my husband's lunches on days he's at the office, which usually also include a breakfast item and afternoon snack. More often than not, the breakfast/snack item would be some type of bread. During my recent trip to the States, when making butterscotch bread for him to take to work, I decided to use half of the dough to make something savory for a bit of variety. Cheesy garlic bread sounded like a good idea, so that's what I ended up with.

I used a modified version of my Roti Paung recipe as the base, and found a wonderful looking garlic butter recipe by Cook the Story for the filling and topping. After a few batches and tweaking it here and there, I got these cheesy garlic bread rolls to where I wanted it to be. These things smelled divine fresh out of the oven, and I really struggled to stop myself from gobbling too many of them in one go. Try them out!

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Simple lunch today: spaghetti with hot dogs.

 Based on the recipe by @che_nom, but using whatever I had in the fridge and pantry. I used beef sausages here, but pretty sure chicken would taste just as nice. Didnā€™t have onions so used shallots, didnā€™t have enough garlic, used up all of our sad looking tomatoes, as well as the green onions growing in our garden. Still, was really happy with how it turned out, will definitely make again. 

#spaghettiwithhotdogs #spaghettigoreng #resipichenom