

Emelyn has borrowed my CCS anime episodes 1-18, and 31-45. Not sure where the rest are otherwise I’d have lent them as well. In Singapore with me cuzzies I think… Well, she came all the way from Kota Kemuning just to grab ’em. If not for that reason, I probably wouldn’t have seen her in a long long time. ๐Ÿ˜›

I’m sure you’re wondering what all that has to do with the topic for tonight. Well, they’re not related. It is just to say that I have no recollection of what happened over the weekend.

In actuality, I just don’t want to describe what happened over the weekend. I’ll just be incriminating myself. ๐Ÿ˜›

Well now, on to the future! Wan Yee’s going to Yokohama for a short holiday (how lucky!) so I’ll probably ask him to get some stuff for me. Actually, I only have one item in mind right now, which is a replacement set of Sony earphones for my super thin CD player. Not sure what else to get. Hentai? nah..

I’m sure more things will come to mind before the 7th.

2 responses to “Amnesia.”

  1. Hemlocke Avatar
  2. myuu Avatar

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