a post… after a few weeks… of insufficient memory. now it’s fixed…. at a cost of seventy. all i need now… is some love, tenderly. and maybe some time off work too.
~ooh palmolive~
Azuan’s so cool. So great~ And Fish, my mom wants to know what you do and eat to make your complexion soooo fair and rosy. 😀 And I’m a tired rat.
The fate of #Bangsar.NET
Heya visitors of bangsar.net, Bet you just surfed in here expecting something else. No, nothing fancy, just the statistical information of the #Bangsar IRC channel. Needless to say, your answers are here. Actually, you can just look down to see my previous post. Hopefully the FBI will give us back Cleopatra and Aeris soon.…
Well now…
I’m just really too exasperated to eloquently describe the feelings I’m experiencing right now. Basically, two weekends ago, the FBI decided to raid our colocator, Foonet/CIT, and take away everything that was in there, including my very own VM machine. With that, all my websites, my blog, #Bangsar.NET, etc., was practically unavailable for 2…