Hello, I’m back at the office now. Why am I not doing any work, you ask? Well, when you’re working for a corporation that forces you to wake up early every day, it’s hard. Especially with my lifestyle of late nights.
Anyways, as you can see, there’ve been some changes to the blog. Yes, it’s slower. Reason being that it’s running off a box off my LAN off Streamyx. Delivery speeds will be at most 12KB/s. It’ll do for now.
Another thing is the comment section. I’m sorry to have to force TypeKey registration on you, but the spam was just driving me mad. Just finished deleting about 600 odd spam comments, so you can’t say I haven’t been productive this morning. With a TypeKey registration, you’ll be able to post on other MovableType blogs with the same restriction using the same ID. Not that I know any other MT user though.
Lastly, the layout. I just found out that all I needed to do was change the style sheet to move stuff around. It’s one of the default MT styles however, but I’ll get around to building up my own themes later on.
Ok, time to act busy.
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