October 2004

  • Red

    And there you have it… a Taiko no Tatsujin theme. I think I outdid myself this time. Made use of Brad Choate’s KeyValues plugin, which allows me to specify a mood for every entry, which then determines what kind of background picture you’ll see. For this case, my sibs are late with my Laksa…

  • Emptiness

    I’ve decided to allow unregistered comments again. Reason being having no comments for the past 48 hours. Well, maybe it’s too soon, but the silence is somewhat bothering. Perhaps it’s just that people still expect to see an Apache installation page. In any case, I have to start looking into putting up more content.…

  • Growing up.

    What is wisdom? Is it something you have due to tightly packed synapses in your brain? Or is it something you gain through the harsh experiences throughout your life? Does it throb and swell? If the answer is yes to all 3, then my wisdom teeth are aptly named. Swelling of the gum, and…

  • Synopsis

    Hello, I’m back at the office now. Why am I not doing any work, you ask? Well, when you’re working for a corporation that forces you to wake up early every day, it’s hard. Especially with my lifestyle of late nights. Anyways, as you can see, there’ve been some changes to the blog. Yes,…

  • Return of the blog!

    First post of fiscal year 2005. Watched all episodes of Full Metal Alchemist up to 51. All that remains, is the movie. And… I hate working.