
October 2004

Viewing posts from October , 2004


And there you have it… a Taiko no Tatsujin theme. I think I outdid myself this time.

Made use of Brad Choate’s KeyValues plugin, which allows me to specify a mood for every entry, which then determines what kind of background picture you’ll see.

For this case, my sibs are late with my Laksa Johor. :

I’ve also managed to structure the templates in such a way that I needn’t mess around with them much. Every time I fancy something new, I just need to change the stylesheet, which is the real way to go.

Anyways, thanks Brad for your lovely plugin. I only wished there was one that adds extra data fields to the entries page to store data via MT::PluginData.

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I’ve decided to allow unregistered comments again. Reason being having no comments for the past 48 hours. Well, maybe it’s too soon, but the silence is somewhat bothering. Perhaps it’s just that people still expect to see an Apache installation page.

In any case, I have to start looking into putting up more content. Besides a page on myself, and putting back the old gallery in place, what else I wonder?

And on the subject of themes, if I were to follow one right now, would be a Taiko no Tatsujin one. 😀

But before I start, it’s time for breakfast and penicillin.

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Growing up.

What is wisdom? Is it something you have due to tightly packed synapses in your brain? Or is it something you gain through the harsh experiences throughout your life? Does it throb and swell?

If the answer is yes to all 3, then my wisdom teeth are aptly named. Swelling of the gum, and the acute signals of pain sent to my throbbing temple. If humans are such perfect beings, then why on Earth do we have dental surgeons?

And that’s my excuse for not playing mahjong well last night.

It was fortunate however that I did not suffer much over the night. I somehow managed to sleep without any major movements, and without even closing my mouth. And thanks to the wonders of motorised technology, I didn’t need to do much poking with my toothbrush.

It’s 10 am. In an hour I’ll be off HQ for a meeting with users. Half an hour later, I’m just going to head home early and pop a few painkillers before taking a nice nap. 300 threads per square inch cotton is really quite comfortable. 😀

Or catch up on the DVDs I’ve been borrowing from people. Or unlock more stuff in Burnout 3. Or try out the new Naruto game. So many things to do, so little time, so much pain.

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Hello, I’m back at the office now. Why am I not doing any work, you ask? Well, when you’re working for a corporation that forces you to wake up early every day, it’s hard. Especially with my lifestyle of late nights.

Anyways, as you can see, there’ve been some changes to the blog. Yes, it’s slower. Reason being that it’s running off a box off my LAN off Streamyx. Delivery speeds will be at most 12KB/s. It’ll do for now.

Another thing is the comment section. I’m sorry to have to force TypeKey registration on you, but the spam was just driving me mad. Just finished deleting about 600 odd spam comments, so you can’t say I haven’t been productive this morning. 😉 With a TypeKey registration, you’ll be able to post on other MovableType blogs with the same restriction using the same ID. Not that I know any other MT user though.

Lastly, the layout. I just found out that all I needed to do was change the style sheet to move stuff around. It’s one of the default MT styles however, but I’ll get around to building up my own themes later on.

Ok, time to act busy.

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