My bling!


< insert snapshot of bling here ๐Ÿ˜€ >

To all my Muslim family, friends, and acquaintances, wishing you a happy and safe Aidilfitri al-Mubarak. Please forgive me for all the mistakes and bad things that I may have done either accidentally or on purpose. And also the ones you don’t know about. ๐Ÿ˜€ As some of them say, kosong-kosong (zero-zero, zero all, etc.).

Last night I took Khairil to Kampung Tengku to experience his first Raya in KL. As per the usual customs there, the Malay community would go around the neighborhood to each house to sing Takbir and to make Doa for everyone’s wellbeing. Usually the entire round would last about 3 hours up till midnight, but this time I wasn’t feeling very well, so I quit halfway. The kids get an incentive though, getting ‘duit raya’, a little monetary token, at every house. Khairil wasn’t interested though, and I lost him after the 7th or 8th house.

I’m feeling a little better this morning, having taken Clarinase at night and sweating it out till morning. This year, we made it to the mosque in time for the optional Aidilfitri prayer. Managed to get first class parking too. ๐Ÿ˜€

Well, the place looks sparkly clean and I’ve had my fair share of lemang for breakfast. Time to go visiting. See ya!


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