Miss China is soooo hot. :D~ Her figure fits her red bikini so well the thought just gives me shivers!
I can’t believe Philippines was chosen above her though. Gosh~
But Miss Peru’s just as nice, so all was not lost.
Really thinking about it, the main reason China got into the finals was because she represented the host. But if she was given more coverage last night, I think she could’ve gone further. Her crew did a bad job on her web profile, which didn’t really bring out her finer points but instead presented a mish-mash of crappy photos.
Going back into time, I finally finished BloodRayne after lots of button-mashing and cheatcode-enabling. Why the rush? For the sequel of course. Just looking at the starting costume is enough to make lotsa men smile (in a certain way which indicates a certain something). Think my disc is broken tho, cuz I missed the intro FMV. Arg.
On Thursday night, I went to see Beat it, Sing it! at the Actors Studio Bangsar after much hassling from my colleague who took part in the show. I wasn’t expecting much, but it just blew me away. The Young KL Singers performed their vocals well, backed by astounding percussion music by Rhumba Nusa. It was great, ‘cept for the unnecessary dancing and the guy next to me who kept stomping his feet out of rhythm.
And I got to see some pretty girls in the audience too. 😀
As for what I did on Friday and Saturday, I forget.
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