asyik-asyik overclock

back at 3.6 GHz again. no point spending hours testing the system after each 1 MHz FSB increment. instead, tightened the ram timings, minimizing memory latency and increasing bandwidth.

something else i might try is to up the frequency divider of the memory to make it run at the same ratio as the overclocked FSB. i’ll have to loosen the timings for that though, so i’ll try it later. right now, i’m quite happy with the current results.

i’ve also been researching the components i’ll need to “Droop Mod” my motherboard, thanks to wired for his input. will need to drop by Pasar Road sometime to get them. but at the same time, i’ll also need a new casing that allows better airflow.

or… i can do some sawing. 😀

okay enough of overclocking for now. last night i had the chance to see the Song Company, an acapella group from Australia at the Australian High Commission. the bunch of us were skeptical at first, unsure whether the show will be good, and this was enforced by their first performance which was… menyakitkan telinga (well, the title of that bit was Bats’ Ultrasound anyway). but their 2nd piece got us back into the right mood, and it got better from then on. the show started at 8.30pm, ending sometime at 10.30pm. the first half concentrated more on arrangements based on poems, and the 2nd half gave us more song. all in all, it was great. tiff, sorry for teasing you. 😛

today, fish and i went to an ex-secondary schoolmate (Fatimah)’s house in Kajang for her open house. t’was fun. lotsa people we haven’t met in a while. fortunately, i tak malu, and asked for their names again. might as well be honest than ignorant. well, we meet halmie, justin, ros noreen, ezree. waited out a bit for li lian, but she was late from work. aww.

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