turn it up!

HD trailers are the bomb! i only wish my monitor shows proper true color. the colors just don’t seem proper. like when you have something fading out or in, you can actually see the color bands.

hopefully it’s just my graphics card, and not the monitor itself. if it’s just the graphics, then i’ll just have to upgrade to a dual core 😉 and something nice.

at the same time, i’ve managed to resolve some issues with the latest K-Lite Codec Pack. actually, it was just a matter of downgrading to version 1.34. the latest version had problem displaying video for some old Quicktime movies (Furuba!) and displaying subtitles for Matroska files. don’t know what the problem was with QT, but MKV and OGG files were being handled by a Haali splitter, which i guess didn’t agree with how the old files were structured.

so tonight, Furuba marathon! 😀

in the meantime, me go download more HD trailers to watch when i get home.

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