books gewd ๐Ÿ˜€


it’s been two days since my KB trip, and i’ve managed to finish two artemis fowl books. i had my sister pick up Artemis Fowl and the Opal Deception while she was out doing errands today. in the meantime, i stayed home in solitary comfort, enjoying my off-in-lieu with Into The Blue with Jessica Alba and the original Dune. i started on the book sometime in the afternoon, and it was a very easy read.

gives me pleasure to know that there’ll be a 5th book coming out. something else to look forward to besides the last part of Paolini’s Inheritance, the last 3 parts of Garth Nix’s Keys to the Kingdom, and the last 2 parts of Funke’s ‘Inkstuff’. still, i’m drooling mostly for Inheritance, since the story is quite epic, and i like epic stories. like Nix’s Old Kingdom trilogy. wish he’d get right back on the sequel to Creature in the Case.

oh, and i have like a dozen volumes of Celestial Zone to cover as well. thanks cuzzies. ๐Ÿ™‚

anyway, will be picking up my new 7800 GS tomorrow. then i’ll be back on wow, and the rest of my funds dedicated to my honda’s engine transplant.

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