Hello again after so many years (just one actually). This blog has been here and there, up and down, and generally unreliable due to other priorities having taken up my time. Firstly, a summary of related events:
- The website server was moved onto spot pricing. Yay cheap, but what I didn’t realise was that the latest server snapshot is not saved when the price exceeds the maximum set. So I had posts that were published and then disappeared. And since the spot price kept spiking, the server also kept shutting down. This was some time after my last existing post.
- Amazon started charging for the Broadway Academy store instance, so this had to be shut down too. This was in December.
- Diablo III happened. Many loots.
- After very long consideration, I bought a new Haswell i5 Intel NUC. Last week. 😀
PC in a box, the Intel NUC. Such a tiny thing as a PC. Love it. Threw in 8GB of RAM and a terabyte drive in there for good measure. Migrated the blog over to nginx and php5-fpm. Also running XBMC for my media centre, and the ol’ minecraft server is up and running again. Next to do would be to migrate the BA store front, then shut down my presence on AWS permanently.
- Heartbleed happened. Patched everything up.
Will try to post more in the upcoming months. Stay tuned.
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