
June 2015

Viewing posts from June , 2015

Weekend Cooking: Chef Ammar’s Quail Ozzi with Saffron Boiled Eggs

Found some quails at Tesco recently, and was really curious about them.  I remembered that Chef Ammar had a quail recipe in his book, so I decided to grab a bag of ten birds.  Making this dish marked a few firsts for me; first time preparing quails, and first time frying breaded stuff in the air fryer.  One thing to note is that you need to coat the breaded birds with cooking spray evenly, and to spray generously, otherwise the breading would just come out dry and floury.  The results were quite satisfying as the quails turned out lovely and crispy.

I had quite a few issues with the recipe the way it was written in the book (again, poorly written and virtually nonexistent editing), so I had to make up some stuff to fill in the gaps.  Saffron boiled eggs didn’t even have saffron; just food coloring.  In any case, I skipped the egg coloring step and fried almonds this time around, but overall it was an interesting dish to experience.

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Weekend Cooking: Chef Ammar’s Bukhari Rice with Roasted Chicken

Happy Ramadan, everyone! Fasting month makes me feel like cooking more, so on this first weekend of Ramadan, I’ve been making dinner two days in a row.  Today I wanted to try something new but didn’t want anything too complicated, so finally I chose Chef Ammar’s bukhari rice with roasted chicken.

This turned out pretty well; I really loved the colors brought out by the different ingredients in the rice.  Do give it a try!

Recipe from Episode 7 of Chef Ammar’s show, Masak Dari Hati, Masak With Iman.

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Weekend Cooking: Roast Leg of Lamb

While hanging around the frozen meats section at Tesco I spotted a whole stack of frozen lamb legs.  It took me quite a few grocery shopping trips after that before I finally picked one up; aside from that one time making lamb Mandy, I’ve never really handled lamb before so I was really curious to try.

The recipe I tried was by Jamie Oliver.  I took too long to prep the potatoes and left the lamb leg roasting on its own for a good 40 minutes, its juices dripping onto an empty roasting tray.  After a while the drippings and grease started to smoke, filling the house all the way to the top floor.  If I make this again next time, I’ll probably try to get the potatoes in earlier.

Flavor-wise the lamb was nice, and the mint sauce was absolutely lovely.  After making my own mint sauce using fresh leaves, I don’t think I’ll ever go back to the store-bought ones.  Be sure to carve out thinner slices; thick slices might come out a bit tough.  Overall this did not disappoint, but I think for my next roast lamb project I’ll be trying other recipes.

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