
August 2015

Viewing posts from August , 2015

Dinner Club: Roast Lamb Shoulder

Last night Rudy and I had the Round Knights over for a long overdue Dinner Club meet.  Merv was very kind to help me get the lovely lamb shoulder we roasted for the main course, and boy it was a great dinner with awesome company.  The menu last night:

Slow-Roasted Lamb Shoulder with Potato and Carrot Mash | Parker House Rolls | Couscous Salad with Cucumber, Red Onions and Herbs | Banana and Cinnamon Tea Bread

I’ve concluded that the best way to cook lamb is by slow roasting.  Nothing beats juicy, tender meat falling of the bone.  Moar, pweash!

Based on the recipe by Jamie Oliver.

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Dinner Club: Parker House Rolls

For last night’s Dinner Club session, I needed a few good sides to serve with my roast lamb shoulder, and while surfing around the Net I came upon this site which lists out some really good side dish suggestions.  Who can resist good dinner rolls, let alone rolls completely coated in butter before baking.  I just had to try this out, and they did not disappoint.  I don’t think I’ll be making dinner rolls any other way from now on.

Updated 25 Dec 2017 with new photos.   Made this again for this year’s TurkeyFest.  I was reminded the hard way how my Kenwood mixer really wasn’t for me when it comes to making bread dough, so I ended up going old school and kneaded the dough by hand.  The dough was still wet and I used a bit more than 5 cups of plain flour.  I’m going to try using bread flour next time to see if this yields better results.  I also decided to divide and shape the dough by hand instead of using a cookie cutter, which saved me a lot of time and avoided any wastage.  Delicious!

Based on the recipe by the Kitchn.

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Bread Maker Recipe: Banana and Cinnamon Tea Bread

So we forgot that we had a bunch of delicious pisang emas sitting in the fridge, and when they were finally discovered yesterday they were already beginning to turn black.  So, before they became completely inedible, and since I was having the Round Knights over for dinner tonight anyway, I decided to make banana bread.

I used my Kenwood BM 250 bread maker for the recipe below, and used the measuring cups and spoons provided with the machine.  The bread came out a little raw in the centre, so I transferred it to a baking pan and finished the baking in the oven at 190 degrees C (170 degrees C fan-forced) for another 15 minutes.  Despite that small setback, the bread was really soft and delicious, with just the right amount of sweetness.

The recipe below has been slightly modified to reduce the amount of liquid and avoid another case of undercooked bread.

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