Savory Cheese Bread
Recipes from the King Arthur Flour website often call for cheese powder and I got quite curious about it, so I bought some from the recent Lazada 8.8. sale. I bought extra to get Free Shipping, so I was very eager to start using up this new ingredient. This Savory Cheese Bread recipe from…
Cheese Buns
I’ve had that block of Kraft Cheddar in the fridge for ages now. I think I bought it to use for a different recipe, but never got around to do it. Fast forward to today and I really want to clear out ingredients from the fridge ASAP, so here I picked a super quick…
Breadmaker Wu Pao Chun Champion Toast Bread
I’m on quite a few Facebook groups related to breadmaking and breadmaker usage, and quite often I see folks posting their Wu Pao Chun bread. I was wondering what this was all about, and many times those posts didn’t come with the recipe. One day Rudy shared with me the link to the recipe…
Horlicks Bread
I generally like Horlicks, but I noticed that it is slowly disappearing from day to day life. Many eateries no longer offer Horlicks on their beverage menu, although a few places like the wonderful Inside Scoop has Horlicks ice cream (yum!) I wondered how Horlicks put in bread would taste like, so here I…
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Anyone who has seen the movie Chef starring Jon Favreau would probably remember the scene with the absolutely decadent-looking grilled cheese sandwich. In the early days after watching the film, I practically fantasized about how gooey the cheese might be, and what the different cheeses might taste like. At long last, after quite a…
Breadmaker Italian Bread
Needed some hearty bread to serve with my beef stew, and also wanted to make some grilled cheese sandwiches, so settled for this super basic Italian bread recipe, based on the recipe by Brooklyn Farm Girl.
Breadmaker Kayu Keramat
Growing up in Terengganu, one of my favorite afternoon tea snacks was kayu keramat. Literally translated as ‘sacred stick’ (don’t ask), it is basically a lightly sweet fried dough. A local doughnut, so to speak.
Steamed Banana Buns
Saw this recipe on Youtube a few weeks back. Everything was in Chinese, but the ingredients and the concept shown was enough for me to imagine how tasty these buns might be.
Breadmaker New England Hot Dog Buns
We’re still mostly under lockdown due to the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), and I had a lot of time on my hands so it was high time to clear out the freezer again. Found gourmet lamb sausages bought from B.I.G. some time ago, so why not have some hot dogs for dinner tonight?…
Breadmaker Burger Buns
It’s been a month since the Movement Control Order (MCO) officially started. I said ‘officially’ because Rudy and I have been on self quarantine since about 10 days before that, after coming back from our trip to Hokkaido. I had imagined life under lockdown would allow me a lot more opportunities to try out…