
  • asyik-asyik overclock

    back at 3.6 GHz again. no point spending hours testing the system after each 1 MHz FSB increment. instead, tightened the ram timings, minimizing memory latency and increasing bandwidth. something else i might try is to up the frequency divider of the memory to make it run at the same ratio as the overclocked…

  • 6-feet from the edge

    actually, more like 5 MHz from my overclocking limit. seems that my bro played BF2 today with the [FSB] at 250 MHz, i.e. CPU running at 3.75 GHz. crashed twice. returned home from work, ran torture tests via [Prime95], and errors popped up. i think the problem here is that the current [motherboard] i’m…

  • the trip and more

    so…. we left home very late last friday, at about 9pm. there was so much of cleaning up to do, that very little attention was paid to packing. my mom cared to remind my younger siblings, and left me as i should. problem is my mind was rather preoccupied with something which i can’t…

  • back north

    i’m back. relatives in singapore nice. 😀 won’t say much now. got lotsa things to do: – read ptolemy’s gate, 3rd and final volume of the bartimaeus trilogy. – watch all of Mai-HiME. – finish playing Doom 3. – start playing F.E.A.R. 😀 😀

  • happy eid mubarak!

    before i forget, to all my malaysian muslim friends and family and colleagues and acquaintances, selamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin! to the rest of the muslim world, happy eid mubarak. altho i said i wouldn’t clean up my room, here i am cleaning it. at least make it decent for any…

  • pop goes the heatsink

    my computer has been very steady at 3.6 GHz. the more i think about it, the more i felt that i should’ve refrained myself from my past impulsive buys. the [northbridge] coolers in particular. the first one i bought, the a normal coolermaster heatsink, was a nice silver aluminum thing. RM 30. came home,…

  • holiday hooray!

    to all my indian friends and colleagues, happy deepavali! and tomorrow, another greeting for all my muslim acquantances! 😀 not to forget the others, whom i hope are having a good holiday! woke up super early today to go food shopping in Kelana Jaya. the rendang and the lemang there are excellent. normally, the…

  • headache

    i just had a go at Gallery 2.0, and it looks fantastic. however, i don’t think i’ll be migrating the photo album just yet, as the code looks complicated and i won’t be able to create any new tool to read the G2 information. besides, G1 works alright so far. took my mom to…

  • a movable type photoblog using gallery

    wheeeeee i just love the holidays! took the entire day sorting out my computer stuff into proper boxes and drawers. there’s a lot more to clean up before Hari Raya. haven’t even had a chance to play any games today. 🙁 can’t blame the spring cleaning, cuz it all started with me messing around…

  • brown-necks?!

    just as i leave my house for work today i run into two beatup vans trying to outdo each other in residential territory. the drivers: somewhat uneducated skinny malays wearing caps. these types always wear caps while driving, don’t they? kinda amazing how they manage to keep those derelict vehicles from falling apart driving…