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Would you like some coffee with that?

Minutes. Meeting MINUTES. Why, of all people, should I take down the MINUTES? Was it because of my coo’ computer tie that the Chairman picked me? Was it because I was talking to young ladies just before the meeting? Sigh.

Well, here you go. 16 minuted items summarised in one 7-page document. You like that? Tell me you do. I’ll gladly spam your mailbox with more. Yeah.. MINUTES. Good ol’ finger lickin’ MINUTES.

That was Saturday morning. Didn’t do much in the afternoon, cuz I was so sleepy since I woke up too early to send my bro to his Sports Day. It was tough trying to keep awake to take the MINUTES.

So Sunday came, and it was my lil bro’s birthday! Hooray, happy birthday! Hopefully you won’t need to take any MINUTES as you grow older. Well, we spent the whole day at Sunway Pyramid, doing all sorts of fun things. I was so tempted to join some games competition that they were having at PlayWorld, but I lacked the console gaming skillz required. Also had a good look at the Vaio 505P. Now that’s what I call a notebook. Hot damn!

Monday. Attended a boring presentation by IBM on e-learning. Even the speaker admitted it was boring. Yeah, the presentation took on a classroom approach with a teacher-centralised scenario (some of the jargon I learnt). They should’ve just e-mailed us all a link to their e-learning website. That’s what e-learning is about, isn’t it?

After that, I put away all my other important duties and tasks to work on the MINUTES. Yeah, it’s so fun. As I work on it, I kept wondering, why MINUTES? Why not HOURS or SECONDS? Maybe I’ll look into it later. But I’ll probably forget, since the MINUTES are done and it won’t be fun any longer without doing any MINUTES.

Well, had our birthday dinner at TGIF. My bro was so bored he fell asleep at the table. Fortunately there was no food where his head landed.

Today. Finished my MINUTES. Back to work as usual. Played a game of tennis at a meeting to discuss some problems. Well, the ball is no longer in my court. Muahahah. Fear my tai-chi. And my MINUTES.