
sunflower seeds

Viewing posts tagged sunflower seeds

Sunburn and Sunflower Seeds..

Hmm.. my entries have become more sporadic as the days go by. Somehow putting in entries doesn’t belong anywhere in my Work or Play schedule.

Work: Been answering a lot of calls and making a lot of calls. Sigh, people just don’t take e-mail seriously. Especially the old lot. This remnant-of-a-broken-project should be done end of this month.. so hopefully things will look up then (woohoo more training!).

Play: Battlefield 1942. Finished the Allied campaign a few days ago. Now to play the good guys. Er, I mean the bad guys. Bah, who can tell these days?

A nice old couple we met during the coronation ball invited us to sail on their yacht last weekend. It was great! It’s nice having the sun on your skin after a long while. So nice that I didn’t put on any sunblock and got scorched. Ahh.. I look like a brown tapir now. Well, at least my cheeks look rosy. 😛 Pics to come!

Did I mention I watched The Hot Chick the weekend before? Great movie for a good laugh after a week of corporate slavery.

And what of sunflower seeds? I just like ’em. Yum!