
Spent the entire night trying to tweak IPv6 for my local area network. I managed to get it working on the first try, at least for the wired computers, using the default settings from freenet6.

The problem however, lies with the autoconfiguration. While it makes life a whole lot easier, the way it works is something like DHCP. That’s great, but having an entire 64-bit subnet (that’s more than 18 billion billion IPs, if there’s such a term) for that purpose makes it tough for me to assign reverse DNS for each and every address in that subnet.

So the main task was trying to limit the autoconfigured part to just a small portion of the network, say 8-bits. This is what I slaved for, and yet haven’t achieved so far.

At least I got to see the dancing KAME.

And why did I start all this? Just to get a nice bot on IRCnet. And guess what? There aren’t that many IPv6 servers on that forsaken network.


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