calling all members!


Let’s chat!

Handphones? Too expensive. IRC? Too yesterday.

So let’s go radio. Wooohooo!

The five who went down for the weekend are back in town with new toys! All alike in shape and color, they’re simple two-way radios called Motorola T5500’s.

Though I can’t reach any of the Bangsar gang from my place, the transmission and reception is quite good at my office, being so many floors up. Looks like the office is going to get a lil more noisy. ๐Ÿ˜€

Here’s a few callsigns assigned:-

My office: The ivory tower.
Me: Holy Hands.
Merv: Mashimaro.
Fish: …. Fish. Or Snake.

I forgot exactly what Zoe’s callsign is. Probably Teddybear. Andy’s is to be confirmed when we find something that really hits the spot. ๐Ÿ™‚

Gonna have dinner with em tonight. The Tiling Committee’s Lonely Hearts Club.


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