wow.. been long since my last post. nothing much has happened i guess, ‘cept for work. trying to trace what i’ve done would be a pain, so i’m just going to churn out the next few memories in no particular order:-
% thursday was a public holiday for maulidur rasul, the prophet’s birthday. brings back to mind the ‘thou shalt not celebrate birthdays for it is sin’ debate. anyway, the night before was spent playing mahjong for hours at Merv’s place… to a point where my brain stopped working sometime at 1.30am. “glc-working hours conditioning”. nevertheless, we continued for a bit.
% on thursday itself, i was out the entire morning, waking up to find my sister gone to lumut for a weekend regatta. mom was also out with a friend, so i was left at home with the lil bro. i think the only conversations we had involved me telling him to study. or do his project. or study. watched “mel brook’s history of the world part i” which i borrowed from masrey.
% also watched the galaxy express 999 movie. based on archived conversations on animesuki, i should refrain from starting on the 2nd and 3rd movies until i’ve either read the original manga or watched the original tv series. so far live-evil has fansubbed the first 6 episodes, but the next 100+ are nowhere in sight.
somehow, i’ve researched the series so much to see how everything fits in, that i may already know the ending after the ending (yes, there’re so many endings and alternate realities/versions!).
guess i’ll also have to shelve the viz manga i bought. supposed to be a sequel too. :O evil viz! evil!
% cleaned up my downloads drive. got rid of the first 3 seasons of smallville cuz they were just taking too much space. started some downloads to fill up some of the gaps in some manga and anime. unfortunately, i still can’t find certain episodes of inu yasha. bah.
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