i just found out that the language center that i’ve been going to for mandarin classes has closed down. and apparently the owner(s) fled back to China.
damned mofos!
i’m starting to have real doubts in the integrity of the people in general. especially with regards to Chinamen, with this incident plus all the horror stories you hear of expat businesses collapsing in China. i’m not being country-ist or racist mind you, but how do you avoid such a perception with that kind of experience and input?
it may be true that the center has been operating for many years, having lots of happy students and experienced personnel. but all that good image built up is immediately shattered when the operators betrayed everyone’s trust. it’s the same with any other company, or person, or whatever. no one will care about how good you were before, if at the end of the day you’d only bring frustration and anger to the people who trusted you and who depended on you.
guess my sister and i will go make a police report now. dunno bout the rest of the gang.
thinking back, i may have made a lot of hasty decisions, like the diving lessons and the mandarin lessons.i should’ve thought things through more thoroughly. maybe even do some research to find the best options. instead, i just went with the general opinion of the crowd and end up in less-than-ideal situations. *sigh*
a lot of bad things happening today. a divine sign for me to repent, perhaps?
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