Oh those lovely peanut butter cups


Oh Reese Peanut Butter Cups
How I dream of thee!
Night and day, hour on the hour
thougts of you haunting me!

Nothing can compare to you
not even wet dreams!
That smooth, creamy feeling
of you on my tongue.

That one delightful instance
when all my senses scream
with pleasure most extreme
as you gently slither down my throat.

Oh Reese Peanut Butter Cups
all gone now, all eaten away.
With that damned Myuu
getting four of them!

So what if I had nine
hey I had to work for them!
I shall dream of you
with fond nostalgia

Since those b*stards at Hershey’s
won’t sell them in Malaysia!
How could they be so selfish
to forget us completely!

Farewell then, till the next time
whence a package arrives once more
With you as the contents
waiting to be consumed by me!

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