rain rain go away


to my utter dismay, i’m still experiencing artifacts with my new card! :O thinking back, this might be attributed to me not seating the previous card in its slot properly when i was booting up this one time. :O

that points to one thing: my radeon 9800 pro is not broken. ๐Ÿ˜›

so… anyone wanna buy? ๐Ÿ˜› i’ll need more funds for a test motherboard. wait, i already have one. grrr but i don’t want to go through the trouble of reinstalling windows again. might as well get a proper mobo and do it once and for all.

and i’m already eyeing one on lowyat.net.

anyway, this 7800 GS is pretty neat. lets me play BF2 alright with every setting set to High, altho there are a few jerks here and there. can’t be helped, since i’m playing at 1600×1200. only problem is the fan noise. when it’s at full speed it’s really really noisy. trying to find a way to tweak the thresholds.

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