theme revamp 3


Hey peeps. Still messing around with WordPress. I’ve gotten my Gallery2 integration all set up. All that’s left is looking for a QuickLinks replacement, which I haven’t found an exact equivalent for. Well, I did, but BianHuan doesn’t seem to work with PHP5 due to what seems to be usage of the somewhat extinct ezXML library.

Anyways, besides that things are fine and dandy. Trying to play around with Asides now, which is.. basically.. posting something in relation to another post? Hmm..

Once I get this figured out, then you’ll probably start seeing some Doukutsu graphics. ๐Ÿ™‚

3 responses to “theme revamp 3”

  1. tIcKLe`Me Avatar
  2. myuu Avatar
  3. Ayin Avatar

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