
August 2007

Viewing posts from August , 2007

tagged for charity!

originally from idham’s blog:

“Rumah anak yatim ini memerlukan bus untuk penghuni2, di samping sumbangan untuk pengendalian harian. I am inviting you to participate together with me. For every person who complete this meme before August 26th, I will contribute rm127 on your behalf to the Darul Izzah Orphange, Bangi.”

The meme is about completing at least 17 out of the following 27 sentences.
*These can be copied and pasted to your entry*

If you are tagged, you need to write an entry related to the meme. At the end of your entry you just need to tag as many person as you like. You will then leave a comment in their blog to let them know they have been tagged. And to include this message, “By doing this meme you are contributing rm127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage”.

1. A person is only as good as … the meat sack they reside in.
2. Friendship is always … good when you’re mind boggled by the opposite sex.
3. To love is to… masturbate.
4. Money makes me… wanna rob someone.
5. I miss … the days before puberty.
6. My way of saying I care is by … sacrificing everything for the sake of nothing.
7. I try to spread love and happiness by… inseminating the entire female population.
8. Pick the flowers when… they’ve dried up. then throw them away.
9. To love someone is to… marry someone, make babies, then take her for granted, then leave her.
10. Beauty is… a beacon for annoying insects.
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was… being single and happy.
12. When I was twenty one, I remember… only sorrow.
13. I am most happy when … i don’t have to give a fuck about the world.
14. Nothing makes me happier than … not having to give a fuck about the world.
15. If I can change one thing, I will change… to become an asexual creature.
16. If smiles were… …then I………………………….
17. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could… just all die and go to heaven?
18. If you want to ………….then you have to …………….
19. Money is not everything but… good looks is a must supposedly.
20. The most touching moments I have experienced is………………
21. I smile when… i pretend to care.
22. When I am happy, I… smile.
23. If only I don’t have to … work …, then… i can travel the world and die in a remote place alone.
24. The best thing I did yesterday was… sleep.
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title,”what a motherfucking world we live in. and don’t forget the motherfucking snakes on the motherfucking plane”
26. One thing I must do before I die is… kill a malaysian driver.
27. Doing this meme, I feel like … i can bash someone’s head in right now.

And i tag you kind-hearted souls: fuck it. just gives those kids their fucking bus.

it’s over.

crushed. quelled. beaten. dashed. mashed. squashed. broken. eliminated. extinguished.

more “final blow” words please. i need a drink.

update long forgotten

watched Simpsons Movie last night. went to a seminar at the Marriott this morning. finished with Malloreon, looking to buy Harry Potter 7, but picked up Shan’s Demonata Book 5 at MPH yesterday. MPH Mid Valley sux cuz they don’t do cover wraps. Idiot driver also sux wanting to block my path coming out of MV’s boulevard while she tries to stop by a pickup lane that’s already full. FTK on The Lurker Below in SerpentShrine Cavern last week. yay guild. yay wow.

[ICAC Censored 1]

new job description is really different. drop all programming and technical stuff for writing policies, procedures, and guidelines instead. supposedly the job is very important says the cio, but then why is half my team considered “bottom feeders” by the rest of the organisation? and where the fuck is my office?

anyways, since they decided to cancel my interview for my old position (supposed reason: already acting for a similar position), i decided to go for an interview with another company. wow, double pay ain’t that hard to get lah. i could’ve easily accepted the offer, ‘cept that i was informed that working at that particular company might be hellish. still, i’m pretty sure i can ace the Shell interview process if i were to go for it.