naik dan turun
Woke up at 6.40. Tummy ache! Managed to leave the house by 7.15. Traffic was smooth all the way north, arriving at Colmar Tropicale at 8.30. Then presentations. Presentations. Presentations. Presentations. Breakout session. Lunch. Food sucks. Contemplated visiting the rabbit park, but had no ticket yet. Nap time. Another breakout session. Then presentations. Presentations.…
getsuyoubi to kayoubi
means.. Monday and Tuesday. Monday: Went to MV for dinner with Faizah. We were both there on separate missions, so why not go together? ^_^ We both had the usual Nasi Bojari at Madam Kwan’s, then we proceeded to wring our arms off at the arcade. It’s been a while since I’ve TnT’ed proper,…
With me being emo the past few weeks, I barely had time to update on the going-ons. Well, I would’ve, if I wasn’t raiding so much. My WoW-playing has actually been tapering down, but it’s now back on top cuz I’m starting to enjoy PvP Battlegrounds. Killing other players kinda gives you this added…
another meme
stolen from ichaya: Bold the letters of your name, and the traits corresponding to those letters, which supposedly describe you! ^_^ A- Damn good kisser. B- Good all around person. C- You’re wild & crazy. D- You have one of the best personalities ever. (X2!!) E- You have a nice ass. F- People totally…
back from the dead. again.
picked up a new PSU from the digital mall after work. a cheap Powerlogic one to tide me over. pretty much fixed all the weird symptoms i’ve been having:- – corrupted graphics/text. – sudden death (comp just dies). – dma timeouts. gonna retroactively put back entries i’ve posted on LJ. and censor some of…
when the going gets tough
Today’s course is called Unzipping Employee Potential Through Coaching and Mentoring. Don’t ask me why they used that particular verb. But anyway, we just spent 1 hour listening to someone complaining about performance moderation. And the speakers countering with bell curves and whatnot. But even if it’s not entirely related, the speakers have to…