my theory on my wifi disconnection problems


My 3Com 11g AP is on auto CTS Protection Mode. CTS Protection Mode is used to keep 11b connections alive when there are tons of 11g clients connected as well. This also works across different wireless networks, with the mode kicking off if any other AP within the same channel has the mode turned on.

My Linksys WMP54G (Ralink) adaptor connects to the AP as an 11b station. It’s Wifi mode shows only two choices: 11B ONLY and 11B/G Mixed. Since my AP has protection mode on, my connection should be OK.

However, what if there’s another AP in my apartment block that has CTS Protection Mode off? Maybe this AP has tons of 11g clients too. So maybe somehow this makes my own Protection Mode useless, making my 11b connection unstable.

So now I’ve turned off CTS Protection Mode on both the AP and the client (two can play that game!), and connection has been steady so far. If it solves my connection, then yay. Otherwise, sorry neighbors. ๐Ÿ˜›

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