
  • it’s been real quiet down here

    Not really quiet per se. Been just too busy with stuff at work and by the time we get home we’re just mush. Thankfully, we’re finally going on our honeymoon for a week in Bali. It’d definitely help us unwind and not think about work. Please wish us a safe passage. 🙂

  • the last 40 days…

    …might be a good title for a zombie movie. 🙂 I hate Apple. Wife has a Powebook G4 that’s eligible for a 2006 battery recall, but Apple Malaysia won’t honour it as it is out of warranty. After making calls and making a query on Apple Discussions, I decided to just pass my battery…

  • avisynth/mencoder transcoding for ps3 media server on windows 7

    Finally managed to get CoreAVC + Subtitles + Avisynth/Mencoder working for the PS3 Media Server on Windows 7 RC. By right, the default usage of just Mencoder for transcoding with subtitles is just fine. However, I have some anime files that don’t size/zoom just right on the TV (i.e. there is no Zoom screen…

  • MAP 1562

    So this old Proton decides to roll back into my mom’s car at a traffic light. My mom tried to get it to pull over, but it ran off. Just scratches, but still. So if you see any MAP 1562 on the road, please send the driver my regards with a slap to the…

  • the karaoke trail

    Initial plan was to stream karaoke files as video to the PS3. Hardware needed: PS3 (got it), mics with echo chamber (got a pair lying around in the old house), AV receiver & surround speakers (not really needed for this particular use, but you know.. we must have them!). Forgetting about hardware for the…

  • windows 7 first impressions

    Build 7100: Shiny! Love how I can have two sound systems, and the OS will automatically switch outputs depending on which sound system I plug my headphones into. Internet Explorer 8 corrupts downloads like a runaway train. True to tradition. NVidia drivers need to be installed manually from the Device Manager. Everything else seems…

  • insert-catchy-twilight-zone-topic-here

    😛 Did a CMOS jumper reset and the compie works fine now. Was finally able to install Windows 7 RC thanks to Merv’s friend. Had to actually get a physical copy of the original disc rather than downloading because all the downloads would be corrupt regardless of what method I use. Shiny! Now installing…

  • weird news

    Found that the issue was insufficient power supply, so upgraded to an 850W Coolermaster Real Power Pro. But now my computer won’t shut down. :O I’d shut it down, and 5 seconds later it wakes up again. Creepy! I checked my BIOS APM settings, XP Recovery settings, XP NIC WOL settings, updated my BIOS,…

  • news

    good news: Ran Heroic Naxxramas, Plague & Spider Quarters last night with the guild plus a few pugs. Picked up Leggings of Colossal Strides and Fool’s Trial. Continuing tonight for the other quarters. bad news: My graphics card might be faulty. PC kept shutting down and refusing to boot up until after a few…

  • BoJ it is

    I kinda like BoJ. Not the act, that is. 😛 Members seem pretty pleasant so far, and willing to go out of the way to involve us in raids and heroics. Guild chat is hilarious. We went to OS 10 last night and it was great. Faizah picked up her glove token, giving her…