
  • part 3

    We found Choy NOT at the promised meeting place but further into the jetty area. Got our tickets settled and off we were on the pretty fast-going ferry to the Coral Platform. The ride itself was pretty smooth. TV was right in front of us, so couldn’t ignore the episode of Sesame Street (ringtone!).…

  • part 2

    🙂 Pictures uploading at the gallery as I type. After that, we had lunch at a coffee shop nearby, then proceeded to take a short break in our rooms before heading out to see Zoe’s auntie in Tanjung Bunga. T’was alright. Got slobbered by 4 friendly dogs in the process. Oh well, I managed…

  • up and down again. or was it down and up?

    y0! Just returned from a trip up north. Henry, Fish and I hopped onto ferries to go to the Pulau Payar Coral Platform to take our initiation dive into the sea. Zoe also came along as assistant instructor. The journey began with Henry picking us all up in his turbo-charged 323 early Sunday morning.…

  • bleh

    At Starbucks now using my lil sister’s notebook. Sooo tempted to get my own. We’re here with Fish, Henry, and Choo, recounting all the funny things I did during mahjong. The life of the party, as they say. … dunno what else to say. Oh well. Today was the last day of training. Finished…

  • u kill me, i kill u, all fair

    Almost got whacked by a White Proton Saga plated WGF 9019 on the way home from work today. As usual, I’d take the shortcut through Section 16 to bypass the jam towards the Section 16 roundabout from UH, cutting out from Jalan Universiti and ending up at Jalan Dato’ Abu Bakar. Also as usual,…

  • deceptive legs

    The Weld. A place no longer glimmering in its glorious past. A place with lots of office people looking for food at 1 o’clock. Lots of office women too. Some are pretty. Some not. Be wary of your angle, for you may fall into a trap. Nausea ensues. Maybe even blindness. Anyway, it’s now…

  • racer auntie

    I had a weird encounter on the way to work this morning. The University Hospital exit to the Federal Highway is quite busy as usual. A bunch of us were filtering into it, trying to avoid a bus whose stop happened to be right at the corner of the turn in. So biasalah, the…

  • paradise found

    Just finished watching Beyond the Clouds, a heartening anime movie about a promise of 3 youngsters deferred for 3 years due to one of them mysteriously disappearing. Reminds me of 20th Century Boys somewhat.. and Eva. No robots though. Also.. HDIC buffet was gewd. Merv and I had 11 scoops each. Shahz and my…

  • duvet.

    Thinking back, I should’ve bought an Akemi one which would’ve been much cheaper while only being a little less silky. Guess I’ll wait for the next Bonuslink sale. In the meantime, I might just have to wear this new one out. Henry suggests a softener (actually my Mom did too), but it turns out…

  • misc

    1. Sister’s Logitech for QuickCam Pro suddenly died this evening. Power surge on the USB hub or something. And only after half a month of use. This sucks. The nearest regional office is in Singapore. Hoping Cycom can assist in whatever needs to be done. Somehow, situations like these where stuff just suddenly stop…