only slept for 4 hours last night. was up trying to setup some kind of proxy on andy’s server. and i think i was almost there, but not before his sysadmins blocked my connection. guess not all types of cgi scripts are allowed. 😛 wonder if it’s specifically written anywhere in their ToS. the…
i fecking hate tmnet
yes. i do. i really do. first, they throttle p2p. fine. no big deal. i can wait for downloads to finish. even if they take days, or months. then even after that, quality of service still sucks. i can’t get a decent ping on wow. the lag spikes are frequent and makes the whole…
terrible thursday
been posting day-related items lately, but they usually cover the later part of the previous day. like how i’ll start this post by talking about the problems i faced wednesday night. actually it didn’t really start with problems. it just got problematic when i got home to WoW. 🙁 anyways, the evening started with…
undisciplined tuesday
went to bed really late this morning. no thanks to a book, Darren Shan’s Demon Thief. so those close to me knows what happened. 😛 it sucks though. i’ve succumbed. but sometimes a good book is just too hard to put down. at least it’s not because of WoW. but mainly that’s because i…
human spam is upon us!
forget the mindless robot zombies posting book quotes and words of encouragement on your blogs. their human masterminds are taking over! http://blog.centresource.com/2006/01/27/advantage-consulting-services-spammers/
liquid fire
the title of this post sure sounds cool, but it really is related to a stomach ache. 😛 must’ve been the food last night. we bought back nasi goreng padprik ayam and prawn tom yam to merv’s place last night. was there playing mahjong up till 12.30am. or could’ve been lunch, where i had…