

It’s back.. and I’m hooked. No time to manage websites, no time to do anything else! Yes, SimCity is back on my PC. And it’s so damned schweet. Work by day, SimCity by night. Losing sleep though. *Yawn*

Why, oh why did I let my sister install that game? Can’t her boyfriend suggest other games that have endings at least? Games like SimCity and Sims are the ones that keep you plastered to the screen.. never ending, never satisfied.

Well, I’m hooked now. There’s no going back. Only things to do are to try to control myself, and to upgrade my computer / buy a new one, so that the game runs better. ๐Ÿ˜€ Perhaps I should backup my savegames regularly too.

Speaking of having no time, #Bangsar.NET has been in a state of neglect for a while. As far as developing new features, then I would be guilty. But as for content creation, I remember clearly someone pushing me to ‘delegate’ the work. And it has thus been done. So where is he now? What happened to that eagerness, that zeal? Perhaps #Bangsar is no longer in the mood for growth, for activity. Quite evident since the last anniversary. People in the channel are no longer chatting up strangers and newbies; instead they turn them away with insults and whatnot. I’m starting to feel that I’m involved in a lost cause. Or perhaps I’ve felt that way for a long time. Paddling across a stagnant lake only propels myself, as the lake remains the same, and the water remains calm. And smelly.

Anyways, haven’t read any manga; too busy playing something. ๐Ÿ™‚ Should I install The Sims as well? I shudder at the thought. I played it long ago when I was in LA. After a while I figured I should manage my own life first.

2 responses to “Addicted”

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