07 Jan 2005

the path less taken

07 Jan 2005

At my age, you start wondering how to go about the rest of your life:

– religious, or delinquent.
– GLC, or private, or freelance.
– bachelor for life, or marriage.
– humble, moderate, or lavish lifestyle.

Tough decisions. The gang ain’t helping. 😛

Also wondering bout the rules of inter-religious marriage in Islam. The general rule is that both need to be Muslim, but there are some who say that it’s ok between ‘children of the book(s)’. Enlighten me.

Wonder if there are any such rules within the other mainstream faiths.

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  1. A January 7th, 2005 10:30AM

    Eh, excuse me. The gang gave you extremely good advice last night. Would’ve been funny if Merv was really acting as your “agent” heh.

    Inter-religious marriage, according to the holy book, yes, it’s acceptable if it’s with another party who follows the Bible (from what I recall – can’t remember about the other two books). Via the word of God, it’s acceptable, unfortunately over here in this country, via custom and tradition, it is not. And in terms of precedence, the latter is more important in this case, ironically enough…

  2. myuu January 7th, 2005 1:32PM

    that sux. :/

    i wonder if it’s written in law.

  3. A January 8th, 2005 9:15AM

    Oooo. Got new target ah?

    When you going to spill the details to the gang. *nudge*nudge* *wink*wink*

    Custom/tradition, rather then constitutional law, I think.

  4. t January 9th, 2005 2:23PM

    “Tough decisions. The gang ain’t helping. :P”

    I had to laugh, hehe. At least you can count on the gang being there, no matter what your choice(s).

    *thwaps uncle*

  5. JL January 10th, 2005 11:16AM

    Whats GLC? Whaddaya mean the gang aint helping, offers were being made, just someone wasn’t accepting……

  6. myuu January 11th, 2005 12:16AM

    a: there are always targets. hur.

    t: company is always good. input is also nice. but somehow, it’s always the same message conveyed in a hundred different manners. kinda like, different sized hammers. 😛

    jl: gomen linked corp.

  7. t January 12th, 2005 12:46PM



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