01 Feb 2005

knock knock knockin on heaven’s door~

01 Feb 2005


Celcom’s PRDM Portal.

So many steps. 15 cents per SMS. Why bother? Let’s just cut to the chase.

Send A1 <Plate number> to 21999 to check your plate.

A2 <IC number> for a check on your IC.

Screw the menus.

Back to Smallville.

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  1. JL February 2nd, 2005 4:59PM

    Takut got saman is it??? Thats why u shouldn’t pull handbrake at the corners.

  2. myuu February 2nd, 2005 7:45PM

    you know it doesn’t make a difference. maybe i’ll get my brake pads replaced soon. 😛

  3. A February 3rd, 2005 9:05AM

    That’s why lah need to learn to be a good, safe and responsible driver.

    Use me as a role model.

    😛 😛 😛

  4. t February 3rd, 2005 12:19PM

    if uncle az is a “good, safe and responsible driver”, then i’ve never driven over the speed limit and my parallel parking is flawless ;P

  5. myuu February 4th, 2005 6:57PM

    talking about saman, just now i potong queue at the 17/1 junction to get into my road up the hill. passed a squad car halfway through 😛

    why oh why does this always happen to me~

  6. A February 6th, 2005 10:36AM

    You got summonsed?

  7. myuu February 6th, 2005 9:13PM

    dunno. 😛


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