02 Apr 2005


02 Apr 2005

stupid stupid game dvd. it hung just before i got into the temple of pandora! 🙁 think i’ll go borrow merv’s copy for a try. in the meantime, it’s about time i finish up smallville. maybe play some gt4.

anyways, i can’t but help gripe about my brother. he’s due for pmr this year, but he doesn’t seem to care.

rarely studies. says he does, but no one sees him does it. it’s amazing how his schedule flexes like so. and he’s had a really bad track record with honesty.

i wish he’d realise the position he’s in. it’s not a walk in the park like it used to be back in ’96. i may have been almost as bad at the time, but i barely managed to scrape through.

nowadays, everyone’s getting A’s left, right and centre. if you can’t even get the minimum straight A’s, you’re finished. life’s not so peachy any more bro. keep at this, and you’ll be stuck in UTM or worse. no biotech or culinary arts for you.

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  1. Hemlocke April 3rd, 2005 8:01PM

    Ouch. He’s got a long ways to go, eh? If it’s any comfort, Ichaya was just as bad,in her own way XD There were a few narrow escapes but she did pull through in the end. She just needed the space to grow up. But she sure gave us a headache while we waited for that to happen!

  2. A April 4th, 2005 11:17AM

    Have faith, old boy. It’s typically never as bad as it seems. I mean look at me for instance, black sheep of the family but I’m still in one piece, sort of (ignore the heavy debts, near bankruptcy, medical issues etc etc :P).

    Oh and incidentally, whilst you’re down south do be on a lookout as to whether the Senior General Manager – Southern Region has any eligible daughters of marriageable age, eh? Or if not the SGM, the operational bosses etc. 😛

    [Always looking out for your best interests – Me]

  3. myuu April 6th, 2005 7:08PM

    Hem: can’t help but feel worried tho. :/

    A: yep, me. this one. *points at self* 😛

    kinda forgot about that quest. oh well.


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