… gently in the night of one fine day …
i’m back. tired. sigh.. work’s going to feel odd tomorrow.
t’was an interesting experience, getting out of town to meet the users. it’s also good to know that none of them wanted to crucify us.
bought meself darren shan’s third trilogy and the first 3 volumes of viz’ galaxy express manga from mph for the trip. finished the purple book within the first two nights. don’t want to open my manga yet: thinking of wrapping them up nicely first, since they’re proper licensed manga.
i.e. bloody expensive.
think those’ll cover my tax redemption for 2005.
i wonder where my 2004 forms went..
anyway.. trip itself was uneventful. slept over at the grand continental the first night in melaka. no incidents. went out for dinner. got lost looking for a place that supposedly existed 20 years ago.
while we’re at it, let me tell you of a certain driver who’s really really bad. so much for my theory about women drivers. this guy was so bad i was cringing in my seat each time we went out at night. kowaii~
oh well, there’s always a bad apple in the bunch. can’t beat the cow incident from my last rompin trip either.
had a bad sense of direction too.
what a fool! i don’t know ’bout tomorrow! what it’s like to be.. ah~
the following night, we stayed at the classic hotel in muar. pretty expensive place, without breakfast automatically served. bah.
this time, we got lost looking for a few different places (supposedly for a nice place with a crowd). when we got to our primary target, somehow… the older peeps decided to take to an almost empty restaurant next to it.
middle-agers are so perplexing.
in the end, although we didn’t do anything strenuous (except personally, to fear for my life), it was somewhat tiring. still, i managed to fit in a few episodes of smallville before i shut down.
by the way, it’s a wonder how unmarried couples can easily get into hotels nowadays. well, only reason i noticed one pair was because the girl was malay. and hot. :O
i’m a fool! couldn’t let myself to go! even though i feel… the end~
of all the music from the beck anime, i think ‘moon on the water’ is the only one worth listening to.
hypnotuned: beat crusaders – moon on the water
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