
May 2005

Viewing posts from May , 2005


just got home from dinner. witnessed an accident on the section 16 residential strip.

there was a casualty. soft-pawed, and groomed fur. we passed helpless, watching it roll back and forth in pain. the images of it in my mind are just tearing my heart apart.

not sure what exactly happened. from my distance, it seemed like a playful chase of two cats turned fatal.

at least.. the other one got away safely.

for now, i gotta just stop thinking about it. and later, take note of any vets nearby.

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safe at home

been spending the entire day at home today. woke up in the late morning feeling more fresh than usual, so a few minutes later i had a projector up in my darkened bedroom for a special screening of The Grudge and Smallville Season 4 Ep 19. being part of the IT personnel does have its benefits. 🙂

just loaded a couple more pics, from a few undocumented trips. feel free to have a looksie.

5 cent Zen

Wise woman once advised, “Buy high sell low”, with specific emphasis on KLSE. Thinking her objective is All For One, All For Broke.

I don’t want to eat babi…Pt Deux

RB if you order from me,
I’ll get it for you,
How much do you want?
You know I got a lot of roti babi,
It’s easy to eat,
Why don’t you try one?


You don’t want to eat babi,
But RB is our specialty,
If you want halal RB,
Then just ask A. Yazdani

Gold fish memory

An old lady comes to the shop, having ordered for 2 cakes by phone before that. After paying, she asks for the price (which she has done EACH and EVERY single time she comes) and says “Wah…so expensive lar boss”.

This kind of scenario happens ever so often, more often than birdpoo finding its mark in Lucky Gardens. What in the world happened to these people? Where are they when they ask the same question the day before, or the week before? Is it some vile ritual that they simply check off mentally while buying products from any outlet…”Phone booking, collection, payment, gripe about price, act insulted when responded to”. Have to tie up with a company to supply mini-sachets of MemoMax to be provided complimentary with each cake. For the meanwhile, service with a smile and retort, counterretort and counter-counterretort.

the legend continues

my sis and i just finished playing a game of squash at the apartment court. yep, she just bought her prince racket for quite cheap, and it’s even lighter than mine at half the price.

anyway, as you can see, it’s 6.30, whereas we booked the court for this entire hour. no, we weren’t tired. in fact, we weren’t really going at it since it was her first time playing.

this time, it wasn’t my fault. 😛

due to the poor design of the court, many squash balls have been lost up in the … ramparts? something like that.

that makes it 5-6 balls gone up from this household. i’m already used to making a conscious effort not to scoop the ball, but i guess it’s not just me alone.

maybe i should write a letter to management to claim my balls. uhh.. that didn’t sound right.

books galore

i’m so strapped for cash this month. all due to the roadshow claims coming back late and the sudden annual fee charges. not to mention tmnet’s sudden decision to charge me my arrears via autodebit.

it’s tough being poor.

farewell Time book sale. farewell eating out every day. saraba da.

yay for hemlocke for bringing me things to read. 😀 finished drowned wednesday, and i guess i’ll start on that stroud trilogy soon.

anyways, welcome guest blogger bo.. i mean Merv. i bet he’ll make a huge impact with our readers. multiple connotations included. 😀

here’s an open question: what do you do when you have supposedly unintentionally led someone on?

My number 1 post

FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY….the gates of Purrgatory have been opened to me by the Mephistophilic Kayu. Stuck at the heavenly (read: rusted) gates of YK, I bide my time by sharing with those who willingly spare time to read this column. My first entry for this blog, a haiku:

Natans shooting lights,
Ninjas giggling ever so ungracefully,
I combust internally…

fine and dandy

cleared up my taxes at the last minute. gonna get 300+ in refunds.

things are going well at work. a lotta milestones achieved.

finished up onimusha 3. also finished silent hill 4.

gonna go see kylie in singapore this june.

~ clear skies smiling at me ~

only problem: i’m in the red. :O