07 Jun 2007

jumps of joyous jubilations~

07 Jun 2007

But not for me >_< Grats to WDK for first-time-killing Magtheridon! 2 resets and countless times after our initial try! 2x[item]29755[/item] (grats Jud & Ken), [item]28782[/item] (grats Kellee), [item]28778[/item] (grats ???) and [item]32386[/item] (grats JJ). Don't trust the tooltips.. Allakhazam hasn't updated these items since the 2.1 epic buffs. Sadly, I wasn't there with them to finish the job, as I had to leave the raid early to pick up my bro from class. So no DKP for FTK, or for downing the boss. Probably just +2 for being on time and being on standby. *shrug* It's somewhat depressing when the whole guild rejoices but it was not really something you contributed to. At least I helped take the PvP objectives for the buff. >_< Come to think of it, I probably won't be able to do Mag properly until my bro's exams are over. Damn, Wednesdays suck. Tuesdays don't look so bad after all now. With the raid starting at 8.30, it only gives me at most 1hr 15mins to down him with the others. And that's if we start on time. But I suppose this schedule change will let me focus more on Karazhan though. And it's about time I started on Heroics. I just need to get the keys for Thrallmar and Sha'tar and I should be fully keyed for 'em. Sigh, Serpentshrine Cavern seems so distant.

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