my luv~
our flight to Brisbane arrived spot on time. after disembarking we quickly made our way to the car hire booths and settled with Avis. the lady behind the counter was too friendly, so we were charmed. rates were pretty good too, but we decided not to opt for excess insurance for our Toyota Ascent, so hopefully we don’t bump into anyone.
we had an interesting time last night getting lost in the city when we got close to our destination. i pretty much know the location of Chinatown now. @_@ also slept beneath Eugene’s bedpc, since he’s in Melbourne having fun at the moment. today we’ll probably check out the lookout point at Mt Coot-tha and the factory outlets near the airport. will start making the 1hr drive to Gold Coast sometime in the early afternoon.
wish yew were here to gawk at all the gadgetry in this apartment. ^_^
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