Rudy Ghani, Manager (Asset Management) Rudy Ghani, Manager (HR System/Payroll & Benefits) I’m so screwed. That means high probability of less WoW time.
wednesday night is zerg night
High King Maulgar down! Gruul down! Magtheridon down! Cheap loot: [item]28782[/item] for 10 DKP! Then heroics: SP: 2x[item]30603[/item], [item]29242[/item] BF: [item]30600[/item] Thx fuzz, bends, sylare, biatch0, n tunn. 🙂
botting in real life
botting: the act of automating actions, often becoming repetitive, in order to achieve or acquire things without active monitoring. will often result in WoW accounts being banned and such. fortunately you can’t ban life, for i am a bot user in real life. every morning i wake up on the 3rd snooze, and take…
climbing high, hope i don’t fall…
So I seem to have gotten that manager post I applied for more than X months ago (let’s call it Post A). Having not received a reply in said period, I totally put it behind me. But here it is, a letter of promotion, that’ll put me off all my current projects into an…
sylinfel 1, magtheridon 0
I survived Magtheridon! Hooray! This was on Monday by the way. Lots of yummy loot, but nothing quite right for me. Was thinking of taking his head, for [item]28790[/item]. But I almost have enough Badges for [item]29373[/item], so I decided to skip it. After it was picked up for 10 DKP, I got to…