
  • furuba

    i watched 11 eps of furuba last night. i love it. altho it progresses through the story very slowly, it constantly draws you in with lotsa funny bits. overall, the story is kind of sad as you start learning about each new character. kesian tohru. kesian hatori. then i watched “Best of Banned from…

  • turn it up!

    HD trailers are the bomb! i only wish my monitor shows proper true color. the colors just don’t seem proper. like when you have something fading out or in, you can actually see the color bands. hopefully it’s just my graphics card, and not the monitor itself. if it’s just the graphics, then i’ll…

  • sigh

    friday, at the office, till 11:30pm…… blizzard…… monday…… alone….. well, at least the food this weekend was good. 😀 also looking forward to watch X3, Stay Alive, and Silent Hill! gawd i love silent hill. grab the trailers at Apple.

  • building in progress

    Some of you may’ve noticed that the site has been dysfunctional for a few days. that’s because i’ve recently attempted a supposedly easier more streamlined way to upgrade the server’s third-party applications using portupgrade. a few of your techie peeps would know that FreeBSD has a nice ports collection that allows you to easily…


    is to describe how good Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa, is. AWESOME! is to describe my cuzzies coming to visit. hopefully. AWESOME! is me finally breaking out the rotary tool to start making holes in my puter. NOT AWESOME! is me exhausting my single fibreglass reinforced cutting disc, and breaking a heavy duty…

  • ill

    something’s definitely wrong with me. forced to a diet of non-milk, non-fruit products, otherwise i’ll crap water again. i knew i should’ve stayed home last night instead of having an excellent steamboat dinner with the gang. *drools* hope i recover in time for next week’s steaks. 😀 anyway, this condition i’m in doesn’t seem…

  • revamp

    nando’s flaming hot peri-peri for lunch + tempeyek (those yummy cracker-like treats with peanuts on top) for tea + apartment cafe’s penang fried kuew teow for dinner => vomit + liquid shit so i was home for the better part of the afternoon yesterday. slept through most of it. was hoping to get on…

  • sunday is WoW day

    don’t count on me leaving this room very soon. 😀 ‘cept maybe to eat and bathe. over the week i’ve lowered my cpu fan speed a few hundred RPM, making me worried when WoW crashed on me. hasn’t happened in a while, so it might just be evil Blizzard screwing with me. last night’s…

  • another update about nothing in particular

    Lee Kee Choong! 😀 an excerpt from a current conversation with my sister:- myuu says: should we buy a scumbuster? kittenz says: what’s that? myuu says: it’s like a dustbuster, but for scum. kittenz says: we have scum? kittenz says: what exactly is scum? =D myuu says: the stuff that’s stuck on our bathroom…

  • my new year’s resolutions is…

    1920×1200 😀 [mosfet]s. [pwm]. the hidden key to overclocking stability. these are a bunch of chips that regulate voltage to the processor, and are usually hooked in around the cpu socket. their temperatures can go as high as 120 C before burning out, but in my case things go crappy as soon as they…