
Afternoon Tea

Viewing posts from the Afternoon Tea category

Cheesy Sausage Rolls

I was craving Auntie Anne’s jumbo sausage rolls the other day, so I felt inspired to make cheesy sausage rolls.

The Thought Process

I wanted the bread rolls to be soft and buttery, so I used my roti paung recipe as a base. Here I purposely made them a bit more “junky”, using cheapo Ramly sausages and Chesdale processed cheese slices. However, we can always kick it up a notch and use premium sausages and real cheddar slices if we so choose.

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Honey Butter Biscuits (Texas Chicken Copycat)

At one point in 2022, I went into a biscuit-making craze. I made various biscuit recipes, revisiting my Cheesy Garlic Biscuits, as well as trying out Joshua Weissman’s take on Red Lobster’s Cheddar Bay Biscuits (But Better). Wondering what else I could try making, I thought about Texas Chicken’s honey butter biscuits. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? After some searching, I landed on a recipe by Let’s Dish as a starting point.

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Pie Susu Bali

I was browsing through my photo gallery looking at my Bali holiday photos, when I came across a photo of the pie susu (milk pies) we got as ole-ole (souvenirs) from there.

Suddenly I had a craving for pie susu, so as always, nak makan, buat sendiri. I looked at a few recipes on Youtube that seem to get good reviews, and after a couple of tries I found one by Nyonya Liem to be the right one for me. The recipe is well-written with exact measurements, the filling to pastry ratio was spot on with no wastages, and I particularly liked that it uses more premium ingredients and doesn’t cut corners.

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Roti Paung Pandan Kelapa

Some years back, Gardenia released a new fancy bread: Roti Pandan Kelapa. I’ve tried imitating this bread by modifying King Arthur Baking’s Japanese milk bread recipe, and while I was quite happy with the results, it still wasn’t as fluffy and perfect as I would have liked. Having fairly recently perfected my roti paung recipe, and inspired by my butterscotch bread recipe, I thought about having another go at making Roti Pandan Kelapa, by combining the recipe and techniques from both recipes.

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Butterscotch Bread

I remember when Gardenia’s Butterscotch bread first came out. People were literally waiting for the bread guy to stock the shelves (I think it was every Wednesday) before snapping them all up like piranhas, and they were gone in a flash. At that point in time I was working in Menara TM, and since I always came in pretty early I had the small advantage of grabbing a couple from the MyNews downstairs first thing in the morning. Lucky me.

Years passed, and the novelty wore off. Until one day, I got to know Faizal and he mentioned how he’d always bring butterscotch bread back to the States whenever he’s here on holiday. We spoke briefly about how I love to bake bread, and he suggested I try figuring out how to make homemade butterscotch bread. Why didn’t I think of this? I made a mental note to seriously give this a shot. Soon after, I found butterscotch chips at Bake With Yen. It’s a sign!

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Roti Paung Terengganu

When I was younger, afternoon tea was pretty much a daily routine.  Mummy would drive out (practically every place in Kuala Terengganu was only a 5 minutes’ drive away) and buy cakes or snacks for our afternoon tea, such as banana fritters, traditional Malay kuih, and occasionally, freshly baked roti paung.  A favorite place for us to buy roti paung was a stall at a specific Shell station on the road towards Chendering from Batu Burok.  I can’t remember the exact address now.

Nowadays I very rarely return to my hometown, and sadly, I never see roti paung anywhere here.  So, I decided to try making my own.  I’ve experimented with several recipes, and finally came up with my own version here.   Soft and fluffy, I finally get to savor a taste of home.  Enjoy!

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Che Nom’s Lepat Pisang

Achievement unlocked: lepat pisang!

I generally love bananas and every form of dessert or snack we can make with bananas, and lepat pisang is one of my favorites. The thing is, this Malay kuih isn’t as common as some others, and quite often the ones I get are quite disappointing.

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Condensed Milk Bread

Saw this video from Savor Easy for a while now, but finally got around to trying it today. This bread uses sweetened condensed milk in the dough itself as well as in the glaze, and my oh my the bread is so soft and quite heavenly. If you have some glaze leftover, USE IT. Spread some more of it on the bread, or use it as a dip. OMG.

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Breadmaker Roti Benggali

When I was a kid, on weekends when we went to visit my brother in boarding school, we’d stop by a market in Batu Enam to buy Bengali bread rolls filled with kaya. The bread was simple, soft but not milky, and the kaya was the cheapo diluted type unlike the fancy gourmet ones we see which uses premium ingredients. But I remembered how warm and fragrant they were, freshly baked just in time for afternoon tea, and one roll was never enough.

The basic Benggali bread can be shaped into a plain sandwich loaf, or portioned into rolls with your preferred fillings. This was my tribute to the kaya rolls from my childhood, and gosh these were so darn good, despite the rather ugly shapes. I’m very happy with the flavor but still tweaking the rest times, so will be updating this recipe with new instructions and pictures from time to time.

Based on the recipe from Dari Dapur. Don’t forget the black coffee. ⁣

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