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FTK: shade of aran

substituted raps for karazhan last week. went in and downed Shade of Aran after 1 wipe. nothing useful dropped for me. >< still, it was a fun fight. quite easy to see the attack patterns. a lot of running around. pretty much a no-brainer πŸ™‚ unlike gruul, that comes with a luck factor. get thrown the wrong way and that's it, game over. wish DBM would also tell you which way to run. off topic: how do you deal with emo guildies? πŸ˜›

first PvE raid: gruul’s lair.

yay, finally did my first ever WoW PvE raid last night. took us 4 tries to take Gruul and his 3.3million HP down, but at the end it was really worth it! nothing dropped for me, but fuzz got her t4 leggings. grats fuzz! XD

anyhows, i seem to be at the bottom of the threat meter, even though i’m going all out on the fella. at least i showed up on fuzz’s damage meters on the first try, but after that i just disappeared from the radar. πŸ˜› need more +spell gear i suppose. shouldn’t have chosen all those +heal items after quests ><.

ding ding ding!

date: sunday may 6th 2007
time: 3am

Sylinfel has finally reached level 70! hooray!

and to commemorate the occasion, loaf and bends decide to take me and a few other just-hit-70 guidies on a Shadow Labs run, mainly for my Kara attunement.

we finished at 6am.

didn’t do much today, ‘cept help guildies with Stratholme in the afternoon. decided to respec from hybrid to something more specialised. took me a while to figure it out, but i finally decided to switch to full shadow. never before have i seen mobs fall so quickly. :O was also contemplating holy, but since there are still tons of PvE quests i’ve yet to complete, shadow seemed a more viable option. might just switch to holy later for raiding.

also got my flying mount early, thanks to fuzz. now that quest xp are all converted to gold, i should be able to pay her back real soon. XD

69 will have to wait

was planning to hit 69 tonight, but a call from Merv last night reminded me that I have Spidey 3 to watch. I’m now only 3 bars away, and with a bit of questing in Shadowmoon I should be 70 by the weekend. hopefully.

BUT… still need 500g for my flying mount. And no one seems to want to buy my epic recipe. πŸ™ guess i’ll have to notch down the price a little… and hit more instances. just started on my kara attunement too… LFG shadow labs.


i’ve actually decided to stop blogging every single WoW instance drop i get, since that would actually be a whole lot to blog about. but i just couldn’t pass this up.

was taking my time grinding level 64-65 Windrocs in Nagrand for a Nesingwary quest, when this dropped: [item]29729[/item].

median AH price is 800g. which basically covers my flying mount riding skill. XD

today’s wow update

Level 61. Will hit 62 soon. Been wasting too much time in Azeroth still, helping lowbies do Scholomance. Well, not really lowbies, but lower than me at least. πŸ˜› They’d be happy with the loot they have, but i’d be swearing with all the repair bills after so many wipes. There’s only so much you can achieve with everyone being level 56-58 except yourself. *sigh*

But even with the hiccups, I’ve still managed to get my epic mount! Yes, 50 AV tokens and 540g now allows me to go faster than before. Yay! Now I have 9 levels to save 800g for a flying mount. -___-

Also, while still being relatively low-level for Outland instances, I’ve managed to do some of Ramparts and Blood Furnace. Thanks to some e-pals from PaganSpiral. They’re awfully good and well-coordinated during instance runs, although I think they’re on Ventrilo fulltime. So I managed to pick up a whole lot of goodies from those two runs, being the only squishie in the group. Check out the armory for my goodies. πŸ™‚

And, I’ve finally participated in a WDK guild raid! We did Zul’Gurub right after I finished Blood Furnace, and it was really more like a hit and run raid to get the Hakkar buff for their next Gruul’s Lair run. T’was chaotic… I missed at least one upgrade, and by the time things slowed down a bit there wasn’t any left. πŸ˜› Well, it was still fun though. πŸ˜€

Anyway, here’s one reason to roll a night elf named AlizΓ©e:

i am prepared! i think.

i finally made it to the Outland! i was deciding between sticking to the levelling guide (i was at the level 55 part but i’m already 58) and abandoning everything to walk through the Dark Portal. i thought since i already have all these quests, i might as well stick to it. and since i can get to the Outlands now, i might as well go there and see what’s there, and hopefully level up some of my professions (master enchanter in a city vs master enchanter in a dungeon ><).

Shattrath City is still quite far inland from the portal. stuck at Thrallmar at the moment. but damn, after doing some quests, i’ve pretty much replaced some of my more important gear. and the xp is insane: i get an average of 100k for each quest and 500 unrested for mobs. i was rested when i started and seeing myself getting 1000xp per pop was nice. πŸ˜€

think i’ll stay around here for a while. πŸ˜›

gewd gewd very gewd

3Com router: gewd. zero downtime. torrents are at full (i.e. slow but steady) speed. wow is at full speed. no disconnections ever! found my copy of BSG S3E14 so that i can now continue watching xD

Blood Diamond: gewd. Jennifer Connelly: hawt. good movie.

Alterac Valley: gewd. been winning a few times in a row. 16 more marks for my epic mount xD. also got my rank 3 trinket. cheated somewhat by running thru the mob and rezzing and dying till i reached the wildpaw alphas.

Blackrock Depths: gewd. but could be better. last few grps were a mess. and this druid had the gall to criticise my healing when he himself can’t do better nor could he keep aggro off me in bear form. plus it’s not my fault if the main tank is high on weed. @_@. anyways, because of that i put 1 point in Holy, and prepared a Healer outfit for instances and PvP.

Scholomance: very gewd. had good ol’ Electricdove invite me for a run. t’was good till i was late picking up Khairil. a wipe close to the last boss ended it. still, our team did pretty well. i was level 56. πŸ˜› picked up [item]22394[/item]. there were a few other things i should’ve Needed, but thought i’d probably get better ones when i hit Outlands.

more gewdies: Pan’s Labyrinth, Happy Feet.

the daily grind

sorry for the late update. it’s hard to leave the wakeup-work-gohome-wow-sleep cycle. nothing much happening really.

had a heng tai dinner with ka seong on saturday night at a restaurant in paramount. had my lil bro’s b’day dinner with my dad at chilis 1u on friday night. there’s definitely something wrong with their consistency. at times, the food and service would be alright. that night the service was ok, but the steak my dad ordered was raw. meh. overall i think they’re getting worse.

met up with ervan on sunday for lunch. altho technically i didn’t have lunch cuz my mom already bought nasi lemak for breakfast (which i ate at 12.30). talked abt lots of stuff, mostly industry-related. very tempted to join the private sector now. πŸ˜› we met at pan’s bakery at pj new town. the food and drink are standard, but the service was good and their waiters honest. i accidentally drop an rm10 note and they returned it.

two pigeons have somehow migrated to the condo. some idiot must’ve thought they’d be good for the scenery. wrong! they’re totally messing up my balcony, destroying our plants and leaving their poop all over. have to write a letter to the committee and mgmt soon, before someone falls sick. i’m tempted to poison them myself. or better yet, drop them with a pellet gun.

so, anyone got a spare pellet gun i can borrow?

public holiday on friday! so what do i do? go for courses the entire week. πŸ™‚ on monday i was at bangi. from today till thursday i’ll be in kompleks antarabangsa learning SAP’s data archiving capabilities. not easy being a student again. man, i sound old.

cuzzies are coming up good friday weekend. mostly for shopping i suppose. πŸ˜› hemlocke’ll be leaving for the US soon, so i should get her something before then. i also owe ichaya a b’day present, but i’ve something special in mind which will hopefully come thru, but it’ll take a long while longer.

but that means a weekend less of wow. ah, wow. lots of things happening on there. did Sunken Temple with a very good group. had a resto druid doing the healing so i was free to dps all the way. picked up [item]10836[/item] and [item]10806[/item]. party chatter was lively, cuz everyone was picking fun at each other. especially the resto druid, who was in Tree of Life form. kinda ironic how a treant is skinning dragons for leather. πŸ˜›

also got an invite for Blackrock Depths. i was a bit low for the place but the fella insisted, said he’d help with the healing. we didn’t get far. wiped a few times before the Golem Lord, and the party just disintegrated after we aggroed all the merrymakers at the bar. so yeah, will level first and do it again for quests. gotta do ST again for Hakkar too.

but i gotta say, the scenery inside Blackrock Mountain is just amazing. i felt so miniature in comparison. we even had to walk across a chain link to get to the instance entrance.

have also been grinding in Alterac Valley in between instances. managed to get quite a few external quests done, but i still need the level to do some of the more important ones. 35 more marks before i get my swift mount. πŸ™‚ also picked up [item]20648[/item] for winning my first round. it’s been good actually.. i think we’ve won like.. 3-4 times within the two days i’ve been playing.

now at level 53. 17 more to go! but before that i should try and get my [item]6910[/item] replaced. >< a shaman on the BRD group offered [item]13008[/item] but i wasn't willing to pay 15-20g for it (auctioneer price was 10g, so i offered 8g and he laughed :P).


was questing in the Searing Gorge when Kagh offered to help me do group quests in the Hinterlands. [item]19121[/item] was a quest drop from killing Vile Priestess Hexx, and [item]19118[/item] was also an upgrade.

so off we went up Jintha’lor, killing only the necessary mobs for our quests. wiped once when both of us disconnected at the same time (damned modem!). halfway up Fazhira joined us since she was bored after raiding for the night. her presence helped speed things up tremendously! i just helped do a little damage or healing. but i did perform the all important task of looting corpses. πŸ˜› i died again once due to poor aggro mgmt, but it’s a learning process i suppose.

Faz kept commenting how cute my toon and mount were. it can’t be helped. i like cute things and that’s how Sylinfel came to being. xD

fellow guildie Winnowill also joined the party remotely for some chatter. it’s actually great starting to get to know your guildmates, and their names behind their toons. great fun! fishing ftw! xD