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8 hours of downtime

that’s how long realm maintenance will be tonight. so definitely no after-work-WoW. hopefully that means i’ll also be sleeping early. but there are downloads to watch! 😀

i’m now at early level 49. still pondering whether i should stay in this range and grind the battlegrounds or continue levelling to 70. will probably just continue, cuz i’ve found a lot of good peeps around my level range. we had such one good group over the weekend, and we covered Maraudon. [item]17732[/item] dropped for me. 🙂

at the same time, my professions are quite high now. 250 tailoring and 225 enchanting. can’t do much abt enchanting, cuz the damned master enchanter is in Uldaman, and i can’t solo it yet. meh. but my tailoring level has allowed me to get my full Dreamweave set ([item]10041[/item][item]10019[/item][item]10021[/item]), replacing [item]9470[/item] and [item]18083[/item] i got from ZF earlier. at the cost of a ton of gold though, buying Mageweave via the auction house. :

oh well, back to reading Lady Friday and stuff.


it’s 5am. i’ve just completed round 4 of running ZF in a single sitting. not much luck in terms of drops. i only managed to get my [item]9470[/item] on the 2nd run, and it dropped again on the 3rd and 4th. Doctor Zum’rah was an ass, not dropping his cane, but [item]18083[/item] on the 2nd and 4th run. another warlock ninja’ed it earlier. the rest were just greens, some of which i took.

so yeah, i’m just going to hang around Feralas and Tanaris for a while. priests always get group invites. 😛

healed 2 levels all the way to 46. 🙂

so much for tuesday off

instead of the usual WoW break we normally take on tuesday nights, due to maintenance, we only saw a downtime of 15 minutes this week. just a simple round of realm restarts.

if this was so when i first started playing on khaz’goroth last year, i’d rejoice. but now i’m thinking when i’ll have the time to do anything else. 😛 i still have Lady Friday to finish, some movies to watch, and soon Fish will pass me Belgariad and Malloreon. :O

oh well. the added WoW time, in addition to a migraine on Wednesday, sent me up to level 44. somewhere along the way, i grinded a [item]936[/item], and now i’m questing in Feralas. before that i was in Tanaris, getting ganked by this asshole draenei shaman named Jogenzal or something. but we paid him back when he decided to mess with our new questing party of 4. it’s true what they say, the 40s is the best time to pvp for a priest. 🙂

anyways, my guildies were trying to get me off enchanting, since supposedly the higher level formulae are a pain to grind for. but i’m already past the 200 mark, and have tons of enchanting mats to spare, and i don’t feel like quitting something i’m doing halfway. besides, maybe they’ll give tons of enchanting goodies in the next expansion. 😛

Razorfen Downs

did my RFD run when i was about level 37. grabbed some nice loot for meself surprisingly, since most drops in that instance are Leather:
[item]3185[/item] of Shadow Wrath +19 shadow spell dmg
i also need-ed a ring thinking it was +shadow damage, but it was actually resistance. ended up de-enchanting it. 😛

then while grinding mobs in STV and elsewhere, i got
problem is, i can’t really use any of them. as a spellcaster, the [item]3185[/item] does better i think. not sure whether to de/e, or to throw onto the AH.

i’m level 42 now. thanks to faz, i got my cute [item]29220[/item] at 40. it looks cool when it assumes shadowform. 😛

Shadowfang Keep

well, i’m still stuck at Hillsbrad. the next item on the guide tells me i need to take out a level 37 yeti. definitely need some company for this. so instead i did a quick SFK run while the relatives are out. got myself a [item]3748[/item] and a [item]6392[/item], but at my level they may be replaced soon.

chump change compared to what all my guildies are getting. 😛 after this will see me taking a break from WoW for a few days. have to go outstation for a roadshow till wednesday. should’ve bought that notebook earlier. 😛

btw, i found out i can just feed my Auctioneer links from WoW right into ItemStats. beats having to do searches on Allakhazam or Thottbot.

today’s traceroute


> traceroute
traceroute: Warning: has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 2.428 ms 1.737 ms 1.850 ms
2 ( 15.559 ms 12.133 ms 13.793 ms
3 ( 26.100 ms 9.953 ms 12.849 ms
4 ( 15.644 ms ( 8.953 ms ( 8.201 ms
5 ( 11.142 ms 9.170 ms ( 8.830 ms
6 ( 8.971 ms ( 8.935 ms 8.936 ms
7 ( 234.767 ms * 234.700 ms
8 ( 236.309 ms 242.712 ms 233.744 ms
9 ( 249.406 ms 245.472 ms 241.452 ms
10 ( 239.642 ms 232.888 ms *
11 ( 236.085 ms 235.859 ms 237.083 ms
12 *^C

— ping statistics —
59 packets transmitted, 53 packets received, 10% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 259.478/275.212/440.641/32.227 ms

sylinfel wants…

Avatar Regalia

posted this as a test message on fazhira’s blog. but here it is, as my loot target. 😛

i haven’t wowed for days. think my rested xp bar is at full capacity. wish i could but… i just suck with lag. FPS’es included. 😛 hopefully my IP script will find me a 218 and i won’t have to spend extra money on either a netmyne server or a notebook and starbucks.

terrible thursday

been posting day-related items lately, but they usually cover the later part of the previous day. like how i’ll start this post by talking about the problems i faced wednesday night.

actually it didn’t really start with problems. it just got problematic when i got home to WoW. 🙁

anyways, the evening started with me thinking i could WoW before picking up my bro from class. but mom had to get some work done at the office, so i had to teman her there. there wasn’t much chance of WoWing after either, cuz we had a yum char session in Bangsar at Starbucks in Bangsar ViIIage. t’was the usual crowd: me, fish, zoe, henry, nd, aly, merv, viv and az.

so we had a good look at henry’s new toy, his sony k800i, and then merv’s new toy, his nokia 6300. then we talked abt all sorts of other things, including a discussion with regards to this. i’ll leave it to az to decide whether he wants to divulge the explicit details, such as the “wow exchange”. 😛

then it was back home at 11.30. tried to WoW, but experienced bad packet drops with streamyx’s 219.* ip range, and couldn’t secure a stable 218.111.* address with constant dsl reconnections. couldn’t even hold a decent guild conversation.

so today i dedicated a lot of my time looking for solutions to get me back on Tichondrius. already in a bad mood carried over from the day before, it didn’t help that i had to encounter the usual malaysian drivers, and get calls from lame users and vendors who can’t remember what they agreed upon last year.

first of, i looked at Tor, an anonymous network of routes of sorts. basically any traffic you connect via Tor goes through a series of random jumps on the internet (called a circuit) and ends up at some other end of it to connect to your target destination. doesn’t really help my problem, so it’s a no go. but i have the daemon up and running, so if anyone who can access my VPN can try it out on port 9100. it acts like a socks server btw.

then i just looked at one portion of the Tor package, which is the socks part. maybe i can find myself some open proxy using 218.111.*, or maybe a proxy in a neighboring country. couple it together with a transparent proxy like FreeCap, i can then connect to WoW via that proxy. problem with this is i need an open proxy somewhere. and it’s very insecure. but it’s still viable, assuming streamyx’s routing problem is only international.

another interesting solution, which some LYN-forumers have done, is to route traffic via VPN to a location not affected by traffic shaping. there are existing VPN services that do this, such as Sweden’s Relakks, some local people have taken it a step further by setting up their own servers in Europe or wherever and charging for VPN services.

their main goal for doing this however, is to circumvent streamyx’s bittorrent throttling (with applaudable success). so far their setups aren’t really geared to doing anything else. one interesting thing to note is, they’re using OpenVPN, which is what i’m using for our Hamachi-gaming alternative. i think i can easily create such a service on my own, and possibly add a lot more function to it.

maybe if the guys are interested, we can just share a private server for everything. have it hosted locally on tmnet’s non-throttled routes for fast vpn-gaming, and at the same time use the bandwidth for p2p. so guys, let me know if interested. otherwise, i might make it into some chump change business plan.

OR, if the problem continues long enough, i’ll ship a small server to my sister in Sydney and route all my WoW traffic through there. 😛

OR, i could just wait. maybe TMnet isn’t as hopeless as most people think. fortunately i still haven’t watched yesterday’s episodes. and now i also have House and My Name Is Earl to watch.

wow wednesday?

i wish.

last night i spent a lot of time… sleeping! went straight to bed after maghrib, close to 8pm. wouldn’t say i slept very well, but at least it cured my sleep deprivation somewhat. gotta be thankful for WoW maintenance night.

i did try to put in some time into it, but the lag was just horrible. didn’t seem to be a streamyx issue this time. but hopefully i’ll be getting back into it tonight. but that’ll have to be balanced with new episodes of Heroes and Prison Break. there’s still so much ground to cover, but i’m levelling up pretty efficiently. it also helps that i’m a priest; get lots of invites to instances. 🙂 it’s not easy to follow this hunter levelling guide that Faz gave me, so i need to break from it once in a while for other things.

can’t beat this one guildmate though (i’m now in Wad De Kao :D). he was 24 on sunday and now he’s 36. :O and i’m still 27. man, some people have all the time in the world.