
  • softcam development

    Before I mentioned that I’ll be trying to build an Astro set-top box replacement via a HTPC. Due to limited availability and functionality of the necessary hardware, it’s going to cost a bomb. But sympathizers of people who can’t afford most things like myself have developed a method to allow softCAMs (i.e. software-based Conditional…

  • i love the internet!

    I found this awesome classic RPG, Castle of the Winds, while looking through a box of 5.25″ floppies I was about to throw out. It wasn’t hard to find a reference off the net! 😀 Other things I picked out were Commander Keen, Maniac Mansion, Last Half of Darkness, Solar Winds, Cadaver, and Zone…

  • digital mall

    Been to the new digital mall in Section 14, PJ twice already, with last night being the latest trip. It sure looks nice, but it just lacks the atmosphere and variety of Low Yat. All IT is OK, but it’s not specialised enough. There’s no place for me to buy cheap computer fittings like…

  • not quite back to normal

    Sure had a wonderful time trying to get my PC in its new casing up and running. So much so that I didn’t even do 1 hour of Final Fantasy XII over the weekend. And no BF2142 either. An additional annoyance that I discovered was that the Viper’s front panel audio inputs were lacking…

  • 1 year with the dell 2405fpw

    It’s been close to a year since I purchased my 24″ Windescreen LCD from Dell. It’s been very nice overall, except for a few quirks: While backlight bleeding is consistent, it’s bright enough that watching movies with ambient lights turned off that it washes out the color. Emits a high pitched squeal (kinda like…

  • compulsive

    After only a few hours scouring LowYat.NET, I picked up a somewhat second-hand Powerlogic Viper case for my gaming machine from garagesell/alvinchong. Supposed to be brand new, but written up for insurance claim. Anyways, I got it somewhat lower, because it wasn’t brand new, as promised. Luckily, I can probably manage to fix up…

  • labrador needs home

    sarah says (1:11 PM): anyone want a healthy white labrador, trained overseas and worked for govt narcotics dept. Retiring and gonna be put down. Very urgent. Only given 1 day to find her a good home. Please pass this on. Call Carolyn 0123827995

  • death by note?

    Suspect dies of heart attack after car chase

  • interesting bulk orders on LYN

    V-for-Vendetta masks Hardened Steel Batons US Military Dogtags

  • back from sg

    Says the title. 🙂 Had a pretty good time. Arrived on the island late, as we got caught up with Raya-ing in Batu Pahat, then ended up in the rush hour jam along the BP-Ayer Hitam route. Friday saw us visiting relatives and entertaining them at my Mak Tok’s place where we stayed. Went…