so much for tuesday off


instead of the usual WoW break we normally take on tuesday nights, due to maintenance, we only saw a downtime of 15 minutes this week. just a simple round of realm restarts.

if this was so when i first started playing on khaz’goroth last year, i’d rejoice. but now i’m thinking when i’ll have the time to do anything else. ๐Ÿ˜› i still have Lady Friday to finish, some movies to watch, and soon Fish will pass me Belgariad and Malloreon. :O

oh well. the added WoW time, in addition to a migraine on Wednesday, sent me up to level 44. somewhere along the way, i grinded a [item]936[/item], and now i’m questing in Feralas. before that i was in Tanaris, getting ganked by this asshole draenei shaman named Jogenzal or something. but we paid him back when he decided to mess with our new questing party of 4. it’s true what they say, the 40s is the best time to pvp for a priest. ๐Ÿ™‚

anyways, my guildies were trying to get me off enchanting, since supposedly the higher level formulae are a pain to grind for. but i’m already past the 200 mark, and have tons of enchanting mats to spare, and i don’t feel like quitting something i’m doing halfway. besides, maybe they’ll give tons of enchanting goodies in the next expansion. ๐Ÿ˜›

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