
  • no use crying over spilt 100-plus.

    i did it again. i was deciding between closing the window and turning off the aircon when my hand being neither here nor there decided to brush against a glass of soda sending it crashing to the floor. fortunately, i decided about a week ago to keep my computer case closed. on the other…

  • Calling one, calling all! Defend your right to free speech!

    This is the official statement of Bloggers United. This statement is jointly drafted by Susan Loone and Sheih of Kickdefella. All those who believe in justice and right to free speech, please sign on and put this up in your blogs. Spread it around; let it grow far and wide. The fight is on!…

  • weddings here and there.

    while a friend and i were chatting, the topic of weddings came up. we both agreed that of late, there has been a wedding and two hundred to attend. forking out money for angpow is now so frequent that one day i’ll have to break open my piggy bank for emergency purposes. (another friend…

  • whoa

    rumors are circulating around the office that i actually got the manager position. :O daym surprising! if i do get it, it’ll be my most challenging job yet. i’ll be going in with zero experience, and may have to work with difficult people. but i’m sure i can use my technical background to make…

  • squisito!

    valeria and patrizia treated us to a wonderful italian dinner tonight. we were at patrizia’s place at the corinthian, whose penthouse had a great view of KLCC. appetizers were bruschettas (sche actually pronounced with a hard ke instead of a shh), with tuna spread, butter, the tomato salsa thingie, and salmon slices. then we…

  • broken resolve

    in 2005, i resolved not to work so much, not to stay back at the office too long. but there i was, still there, working on stuff, up to 8.30. for a few days now even. why? mainly due to the stupid jams at all exits leading to my home. stupid roundabout construction. and…

  • human spam is upon us!

    forget the mindless robot zombies posting book quotes and words of encouragement on your blogs. their human masterminds are taking over!

  • downtime

    ah, something tripped the power at the apartment while i was out, and i forgot to tell the folks to turn the server back on after they reset the circuit braker. this happened when i went out with fish for dinner. we were planning a budget dinner, not more than rm20 per person, but…

  • liquid fire

    the title of this post sure sounds cool, but it really is related to a stomach ache. 😛 must’ve been the food last night. we bought back nasi goreng padprik ayam and prawn tom yam to merv’s place last night. was there playing mahjong up till 12.30am. or could’ve been lunch, where i had…

  • monday morning

    … says: to the left to the left? myuu says: everything you own in the box to the left. … says: huh??? … says: wat box? myuu says: in the closet, that’s my stuff. … says: huh???? myuu says: if i bought it, please don’t touch. … says: wat are u and merv up…