my savior
Fish saw my day of infamy blog post and offered to pick me up from the office. how nice of him. ahhhh it’s great to have friends who are there to help perk you up when you’re feeling down. i always imagine myself sitting at the usual kopi tiam, surrounded by the same faces…
day of infamy
remember the 6-day gauntlet? today we have the secret level! today has been very challenging for me so far. a revelation last night had left me feeling broken, adding on to the stress i’ve expected to face today. while i’ve deferred that by planning to return to the office in the evening, life still…
the monsoon cup
aka cawan tengkujuh, has finally ended. altho we didn’t stay too long to see who won in the end.
dirge of cerberus
final fantasy 7: dirge of cerberus is a third person shoot em up where you play vincent valentine in a story set 3 years after meteorfall in the original ff7. i finished the game last night/this morning after 10 hours of gameplay. without cheating too (because it let me use my keyboard and mouse).…
all the girls’ stepping out for a public affair
yay. the singapore grrls are coming soon! coming to a chocolate buffet near you. speaking of choc buffets, i kinda missed the last one. anyone up for a second round? 🙂 the timing of stuff happening this month is just… really dangerously close to each other. big system bug will keep me at work…
6-day gauntlet
Wednesday: Level 1: eloquence: explaining a program bug that made a mess to users. Thursday: Level 2: orientation: driving to Kompleks Antarabangsa, KL, without knowing exactly where it is. well, i thought it was along Raja Chulan, but it was actually on Sultan Ismail nearby. Friday: Level 3: reflex: driving to Kompleks Antarabangsa, KL,…
sap netweaver tech tour
rm3 parking + hours of technological showcasing = picnic bag + 1gb thumb drive. not bad for a day’s worth of listening to marketing gimmicks and buyins. would’ve gotten myself a nice purple umbrella too, if i wasn’t too busy munching down slices of marble cheesecake. my colleague won a nano. how lucky.
his dark materials to hit silver screens everywhere!
web trail: piffles -> imdb -> eva green:- His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass
brain overheating
T’was the normal pain in the head. Annoying but never crippling. Today was the same, except on a slightly larger magnitude. Hence the EL, which later got converted into an MC. So that’s a migraine. I’ve always had it, but had usually attributed it as a common headache. And I thought it folly to…