interesting bulk orders on LYN
V-for-Vendetta masks http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=355204 Hardened Steel Batons http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=353738 US Military Dogtags http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=349430
back from sg
Says the title. 🙂 Had a pretty good time. Arrived on the island late, as we got caught up with Raya-ing in Batu Pahat, then ended up in the rush hour jam along the BP-Ayer Hitam route. Friday saw us visiting relatives and entertaining them at my Mak Tok’s place where we stayed. Went…
stealth driving
Finally, posts from another blogger. Guess I’ll need to reintroduce author pics to avoid any confusion. Anyway, while entertaining family guests at home during the Raya holidays, I was looking out the balcony when I noticed something peculiar with my Accord parked outside: the front license plate was missing. That gives 2 possibilities: it…
Photos are up.
Uploaded the wedding photos last nite, sucessfully this time 😛 You can find it in the gallery under Fish album. Oh yeah added some Kota Kinabalu shots as well.
Wednesday, 25 October 2006, 11.10pm…
It has begun, FF XII…. On another note before I lose another hundred or so hours of my life, I thought to upload some shots I took of Alan & Chui Shia’s wedding that I promised to myuu. Instead I managed to delete my entire album when trying to get the photos into the proper sub-album. Yay, Jenius…
episode checkpoint
more shows covered before the trip!: Heroes S01 E05! Excellent! Lost S03 E03 BSG S03 E04
death note movie
oops. turns out the death note movie is really a film adaptation of the manga. and it’s japanese too. thought that it’d be an american version, since it was part of a recent hitz.fm promotion recently. and the promotion (guess what the note says, or something like that), didn’t give a true depiction of…
balik kampong!
As with almost every Raya, this one doesn’t fail to exhaust us. But it’s never something we regret, having to get the house cleaned up and inviting family over. A yearly event where everything seems right. Tomorrow, after a breakfast with my maternal aunts, we’ll be leaving for Batu Pahat and Singapore. I never…